url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62861.html
Re: CS>Yellow tinted CS!!
From: sol
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:35:42

  > Ken, and all,

  > It is  looking like I have found the problem, but I won't  be 100%
  > certain until I have run a few more batches.

  > It is seems very likely that the problem is indeed  a contaminant,
  > and that the contaminant(s) are the spray kitchen cleaners I use -
  > 1 spray  bottle  of peroxide and 1 of white vinegar.  I  use these
  > many times  per day to clean counters, stove top,  sink,  etc. and
  > absolutely never gave it a thought. Since stopping that I have now
  > made 3 perfectly clear batches, one in the Silvergen and 2  in the
  > Silverpuppy.

  > Both generators  are *closed* very well in operation, so  it never
  > occurred to me that contamination could happen with my sprays.

  > However, looking  round  the kitchen, I see  that  overspray could
  > easily have also been getting onto the paper towels I use  to wipe
  > electrodes. And  how long spray mist particles can  stay suspended
  > in air, I have no idea.

  > If the  problem really is this simple, I'm going to  gag  over all
  > the time  I've  spent beating my head against the  wall.  But Trem
  > says it could very well be the vinegar.

  > paula

  > ----- Original Message -----
  > From:
  > Ode
  > Coyote

  > When a thousand people use the same generator and 2 or 3 people make
  > a CS  that  goes  yellow  over a period  of  time  and  not entirely
  > consistantly at  that...I  think there may be some  other  factor at
  > work.

  Paula, Ken,

  Paula's experience might be a good lesson for us  all. Contamination
  might help  explain  why  some  people  have  unexplainable problems
  getting repeatable results with their cs.

  I got  very  ill several years ago drinking  contaminated  cs. Since
  then, I  am  religious  about not  allowing  anything  to  touch the
  electrodes, keeping  them  in the air while transferring  the  cs to
  another container,  and keeping the generator tightly closed  at all

  Since then,  along  with  a reliable source of  dw  and  a precision
  constant current source, I have no problems making highly repeatable

  I am  experimenting  with colloidal copper to kill  the  mold spores
  that constantly  plague  me. I'm starting to  achieve  some positive
  results, but  I'm  finding colloidal copper is much  harder  to make
  than ordinary cs, and much more sensitive to contamination.

  It is  difficult  to get above about 3  ppm  (calculated),  and very
  difficult to get repeatable results from one batch to the  next. The
  results are not only non-repeatable, they are not even similar.

  I took  a  hint from your experience, and soaked  the  glassware and
  electrodes in  fresh  isopropyl alcohol, then  wiped  everything dry
  with plain unbleached toilet tissue.

  I'm starting another batch and will see if this helps.

  Thanks for your posts!

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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