url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62930.html
Re: CS>RE: sick from cs
From: luut.verbeek
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 13:44:44

  > Hi CS friends,

  > For what  it's worth: according to Hulda Clark (in  her  book "The
  > cure for  all diseases") isopropyl alcohol should be  avoided like
  > the plague!  She  says  it is poison.  So  it's  not  suitable for
  > cleaning electrodes I suppose.

  > Best regards,

  > Luut Verbeek

  Yes, isoprope  is obviously poisonous and very  dangerous  to drink.
  But we are not drinking it.

  It has  the advantage that it dissolves organic  contamination, like

  I believe it evaporates completely and leaves very little residue.

  Here is a specification for alcohol residue. It may not apply to the
  regular drug store isoprope we use, but it gives an idea of how well
  alcohol evaporates:

    "(e) Limit of non-volatile residue:"

    "Evaporate 40 ml in a tared dish on a waterbath, and dry  at 105°C
    for 1 hour. The weight of the residue should not exceed 1 mg."


  There may be stabilizers in the isoprope, such as peroxide.  I don't
  think they present a contamination problem, but if anyone has better
  information, please post it.

  We also  have to be careful about the kind of wiping pad  to  use. I
  believe paper bleached with chlorine may contain some  salt residue.
  Even a small amount might be a significant source  of contamination,
  so I use unbleached tissue and discard it after use.

  Even the  sweat from our hands can be a problem.  It  contains salt,
  and a small amount transferred to the rods could cause a significant
  reduction in the resulting ppm.

  Remember, we  are working with very small  concentrations  of silver
  ions -  perhaps 10 to 20 ppm. It doesn't take much  contamination to
  have a significant effect.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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