Taken from their website:

If an aluminum compound, such as aluminum chlorhydrate
or aluminum zirconium, which is very soluble, is used
as an antiperspirant, that compound is readily
absorbed. Once in the body, the aluminum portion of
the molecule ionizes, forming free or radical aluminum
(Al+++). This passes freely across cell membranes, and
forms a physical plug, that when dissolved is
selectively absorbed by the liver, kidney, brain,
cartilage and bone marrow. It is this concentration of
aluminum that has been the source of concern in the
medical community and has prompted the research being
Potassium alum molecules have a negative ionic charge,
making it unable to pass through the cell wall. THEY
ARE NOT ABSORBED. This is why our deodorants are safe
to use and will not cause high levels of ALUMINUM in
your system. ALUM and ALUMINUM are two different
substances, with distinct chemical signatures. They
possess different chemical properties which create
different chemical attributes.

--- "Heidrun Beer concern-at-atnet.at |SilverList|"
<q0srho6e3...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> How about the allegations that aluminium might be
> the, 
> or one of the, responsible agents for Alzheimer's?

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