OOOOO!!!! Let's please not be attacking complete strangers for their
choices!!!  Freedom of choice, which allows all of us the ability to even
have this list, works both ways.  We choose to look into alternatives, some
do not.  As much as I wish in my head to control the world, I know it is not
my place, EVER, to do that.  We all have a sphere of influence, and that is
where it should end.  I know I may be oversensitive on this, but we all
encounter this kind of stuff every day, and I have been personally verbally
attacked by strangers for my choices, and let me tell you, I DO NOT LIKE IT.
It will NEVER make me quit my choices, and to even hint at it is wrong.  It
is impossible to live in a perfect world, and to even think we ever will is
naive, especially since everyones view of a perfect world is different.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt []
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Phosphorous

At 11:00 AM 2/13/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Yes and the same thing can happen if you drink too much cola, it has
>phosphoric acid in it.
     There you go, using fuzzy logic again. <grin>

Just tell us how much is "too much".

    I doubt that one per week will hurt a healthy person.    Zero per day
for a lifetime would be ideal.

    I was at the store a year or so ago.  A very heavy lady had her grocery
cart full of soft drinks, the liter or two liter kind.  I mean FULL !

   I came close to telling her, "if that is not enough, I will be happy to
push another cart for you".

   We have to do our part to help with population control.


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