I am making half gallon batches with my SilverGen SG6. It has been a
pretty fool proof unit for me. I like not having to baby sit the
process, just set it up and walk away.  www.silvergen.com 

I use canning jars. I was making quart batches then decided to try the
half gallon jars. I can cap them and store it right in the jar.

We seem to be going through a lot of it right now. Three of us trying to
ward off the constant onslaught of colds and flus this season, seems
like there is a new one every two weeks. And our two Australian
Shepherds who are on it to prevent disease from the dog shows we attend.
As well as to protect the youngest, a 3 mo old puppy.


On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 10:35, oliver4i...@aol.com wrote:
> I know this questions had been ask over and over again, but it's my
> turn now :)  I have a neighbor who purchased a silver puppy and is
> very satisfied with it...the ease of use, affordability; i.e. $99, and
> it makes great CS...but I noticed how small it was, that seems to me
> that it would take a while to make a gallon batch, correct?  If that
> is so, in my oh so inpatient American mind, I would consider buying a
> larger unit with the same ease of use, that by virtue of it's holding
> more water would make a larger batch of CS at one time. Can anyone
> recommend a unit that has all those qualifications?  I think you all
> for your input.

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