I make 1 gallon at a time,
with Steam Distilled water, I used them all, but Walmart is the best at .79 cents. you can use 2 Canada Silver Maple leaf $5.00 coins (.9999) fine Or Bullion Silver, suspended by (.999) silver wire you can use a gallon pickle jar, or sun tea jar (plastic lid with hole drilled) to suspend wire/coins.
you can use a fish tank bubbler  with an in line valve and air filter
price is or was under $150.00 I have bought at least 10 or more over the past 5 yrs and gave them to my best friends or loved ones. No one has ever had a problem yet. www.colloidal-metals.com or www.wishgranted.com Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, Az
oliver4i...@aol.com wrote:

I know this questions had been ask over and over again, but it's my turn now :) I have a neighbor who purchased a silver puppy and is very satisfied with it...the ease of use, affordability; i.e. $99, and it makes great CS...but I noticed how small it was, that seems to me that it would take a while to make a gallon batch, correct? If that is so, in my oh so inpatient American mind, I would consider buying a larger unit with the same ease of use, that by virtue of it's holding more water would make a larger batch of CS at one time. Can anyone recommend a unit that has all those qualifications? I think you all for your input.

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