Dear Terry,
I read somewhere that sucrose, (table sugar, which is definitely not a
natural food, for sure,) is the cause of high cholesterol, not eggs or meat.
When sucrose is digested, it breaks down to glucose and fructose. The
fructose is then broken down to more glucose and, taaa daa, Cholesterol!!!
Makes sense, that sugar is what is killing us.
I`m addicted to the stuff...

> > Is not most vegatable oil simply cold pressed and
> filtered? >
> All commercial veg oils are high-temperature cooked
> under pressure (to prevent a burnt taste) up to 500
> degrees. This distinctly delays ensuing spoilage and
> rancidity by changing the oil composition to something
> resembling a liquid plastic. It doesn't spoil because
> no self-respecting bacteria/organism will eat it.
> The term, "cold-pressed", is now allowed even when the
> cold-pressed oil is mixed with heated, processed oils.
> It has even been estimated that 30-40% of the
> "cold-pressed" olive oil sold in North America has
> been mixed (on the sly) with cotton seed or rape-seed
> (canola) oil.
> The article discussing a link between veg oils and
> macular degeneration would certainly have been about
> commercial veg oils.
> But, Dr. Weston Price found that the healthiest
> primitive societies on the planet were the ones that
> ate the MOST saturated fats. What do primitive Inuit
> eskimo indians eat all winter (the ones who have no
> contact with the white man)? Whale and seal blubber.
> Pure cholesterol. Do they struggle with heart disease?
> Never. 150 years ago, most of the folks in N. America
> lived on farms. What did they eat every day? Eggs.
> Cheese. Butter. Red meat. 150 years ago, heart disease
> was almost unheard of. So, how did a high-cholesterol
> diet go from being very healthy to dangerous? It
> didn't. It still isn't. Yes, today's eggs and meats
> are themselves dangerous because of modern growing,
> feeding and processing methods, but not because of
> cholesterol.
> Don't get me started!
> Terry Chamberlin

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