Yup, results vary.

While experimenting around running at 4 ma, I made a very strong batch quart with very strong TE that went tea colored at 36 uS I dropped a 1/2" long piece of #12 copper wire in the bottom.
It did get a thick coating of black crud at first and the color in the water cleared.
After many days, the crud both fell off revealing shiny copper and kept getting thicker on the bottom till there is now absolutely no TE. [Apparently the copper pulled much of the silver out and dropped it onto the bottom starting with the big stuff..sparklies, then TE and progressing to the small stuff]
Then for grins and giggles, I added a touch of peroxide. I see no signs of the copper. [I think I removed it when I added the peroxide and set it on the lid to dry and it got lost somewhere. Other times I did that and let the black encrusted copper dry, it had a nice silver plating on it that wasn't there before it dried. Back crud when wet, silver dust when dry.]

Now..after 3 months.. the jar has a frothy mix of bright silver bubbles and frothy black bubbles in seperate clusters on the bottom and a nice silver slick on the surface. Conductivity is now around 10 uS.
What the source of that conductivity is, I have no clue at all. There might not be even a trace of silver in that water. There's an awful lot of it everywhere else in all sorts of forms.

This doesn't qualify as an "experiment" but does illustrate how weird little things can be.

A while back I got all excited about using a copper coil with a silver hoop electrode in the center slightly above the coil.
It appeared to make a massive shower of white particles which were attracted towards the coil but couldn't quite make it there due to the pull of gravity and force of inertia. I thought I had invented electrogravitic stirring..and probably did. I went so far as to call it the "ring monster".
But, it only worked once per set of electrodes and sometimes not even then. The copper would get plated with silver and behave differently than either copper OR silver.
After that, all I got was massive black fluffy deposits on the coil and not whole lot of anything else.
Interesting, but way too 'iffy' to be practical.

The point here is, if you use copper in the process, there's no telling what you'll wind up with when. It doesn't have to even have an active "charged" part to play a role. It's almost like having a shape shifter with a mind of it's own running around.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't silver a catalyst in many many reactions? What happens when you drop anything into a vat of catalysts? Anything that 'can' happen, will..in turn?
Then add an energetic quality to the mix...
Hoo BOY! Where am I now?

Way too many roads on that map...all leading to the town of Spaghetti with no 'neat' sauce.

I'm sticking with silver and distilled as a rule.
Anything else appears to be MADE out of exceptions unless you massively overwhelm the odds in a given direction.

Making CS with baking soda, then using vinegar to get silver acetate looks interesting.
Perhaps skipping the baking soda step?

Silver pickles!??
Sweet kraut?

Solid dressing?


Ode [Just plain lost in the ozone, then ..misplaced the ozone]

At 09:16 AM 7/22/2004 +1000, you wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Ode Coyote <<mailto:odecoy...@alltel.net>odecoy...@alltel.net>
To: <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>silver-list@eskimo.com <<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Paul and nasal fungus

Copper does strange things to CS.

Drop a small piece of shiney copper into a batch and let it sit for a week or two..you'll see.
It pulls about everything out of the water and drops it on the bottom...
***copper still shiney*** or sometimes turns silvery.


>>>Hello Ode, and forum,
That's strange -- I get quite different results.

>>>I place a coiled piece of solid copper wire (about nine inches long) in the bottom of a one-quart glass jug, fill jug with distilled water. While making the CS, ***the copper wire becomes coated with jet-black deposit*** (most of it concentrated closest to positive silver plate, much less so under the negative). When I scrub the wire clean, I get black smears on my fingers which are quite difficult to wash off the fingers. If I replace the clean copper wire in the jug of finished CS and leave it there for 24 to 48 hours, *the wire collects more black deposit ... no droppings of any sort on the bottom of the jug*.

>>>While making CS, the negative plate gets coated with near-black deposit, BUT the deposit has ***a red tinge*** ... any explanations for that, folks? No "sparklies" visible with red laser light beam.

>>>I am using four 9-volt batteries connected in series. I use two .999 fine silver plates which are about 3/4 inches wide, about 3 and a 1/2 inches length submerged. The plates are about 3/16 of an inch thick (two milimitres).

>>>I have the plates about one and a half inches apart, and the electric current is on for about 20 to 25 minutes. I stir the water twice, at about ten minute intervals, by swirling the plates round and round in the jug. The finished CS is usually very clear, but sometimes slightly milky if I have some contamination from somewhere.

>>>Question: How come most of the people on this forum take somewhat over an hour to get their finished product? Could it be that mine takes only about 20 minutes, because of the much larger surface areas of the silver plates, compared to the areas of silver wire used by most/many people?

>>> -- Just for your information ... your replies will be appreciated -- the first time I made CS, I left the current on for just over one hour, and there was black gunk, both floating on the surface and deposits on the bottom. When I poured the blackish water out, an area of at the bottom of the jug was shiny as a mirror. It was attached to the glass, but scrubbed off quite easily.



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