With regard to the back and forth about copper wire in the bottom of a CS brewing jar, I wanted to let you know I am still using the coiled silver electrode and the circle copper one, that you sent me many months ago. It does make very good very clear EIS, much more consistently clear than the U electrodes. Should I stop using them? The copper circle was long, long ago completely coated, no copper shows whatsoever, and has not from maybe even the second batch. With regard to the problems I had for so long with yellow CS, I have found that whether the contaminant is in the air or the water, as long as I stick to using only distilled water that measures .3 uS or below on my PWT the CS comes out clear close to 100% of the time. At .4 uS it is a crap shoot whether the CS is clear or has color. At .5uS and above it is nearly always yellow. Depending on what the city is sending us as tap water, sometimes I have to double distill the water to get it down to .3 uS. For drinking water I distill hot tap water and get DW averaging about .6 or so. For CS making I distill filtered cold tap water, and it comes out usually at .3, rarely .2. This has all been so interesting. Just recently I had no .3 DW ready, so I made a batch of CS with .4 DW, and it came out yellow. After sitting in the brewing jar for a few days it went clear. This is the first time I've ever had that happen, if the finished product is yellow whatsoever, it has always gone more yellow with time. Weird. paula (sol, who hopes you take no personal offense at my comments re smoking--sometimes I need to vent somewhere, and doing it on the OT list is less harmful to me than shooting the neighbors)

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