At 07:41 AM 24/07/04, you wrote:
Soda cans are lined with plasic. Soda will eat through an aluminum container
over night.

So would yoghurts. Folks, you just don't appreciate what those scientists had to go through to get that "all natural fruit yoghurt" to you. That little plastic bucket of violent little voracious critters is a miracle of scientific synthesia!!

I remember years ago, working on introducing the thing called "Buttermilk" to the unsuspecting public in Oz, I actually said to my bosses in the Dairy biz, " But won't they soon wake up that all they have to do is buy just one small container of plain yoghurt, or our "Buttermilk", take it home and add it to a gallon of cheap milk, stir, keep warm and wait?"

Gods I was innocent, then. But I was only a kid. Still had high hopes for humanity. Thought all you had to do was show them the right thing and they would do it.....................


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