MessageHi Jim,

No help here.  I have never worked with ground water except the first time I 
tried to make CS and discovered that all it made was cruddy looking silver 
chloride.  Which is what you're making.  


Best regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim Meissner 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 12:48 PM
  Subject: CS>Help? How do you measure CS PPM using well water.

  Dear Trem and others:

  I would like to make CS using 120 uS well water for my chickens and cows.  I 
am experimenting doing a gallon and possibly 5 gallons at a time..  My 
experimental setup uses 160 volts DC with a 15 Kohm current limiting resistor.  
I get a plume of white that is quite visible right away and shows up with 
strong Tindle using the red laser pointer.  After about 5 hours the whole 
gallon is chalk white.  The next day ( 22 hours ) it is brown.  I was not 
watching it, but it might have gone yellow, golden, and then to brown.

  Do I rely on the color as an indication? 

  I have a PWT and a EC/TDS meter, but the readings are inconclusive.

  Any suggestions?

  Jim Meissner 

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