Hi experts & folks,
Just went here and found the following about making CS:   "30 minutes?????"


We really DO need to get some consensus on uses and abuses of CS - especially for the newcomer/amateur like me.

It seems to me from my total reading that like many things in life - CS is best made slow and easy with top ingredients.
I use 6V DC  ( a stripped printer converter)
I use 2x Maple Leaf $5 coins = massive surface and wrinkly - 9999 fine. 50% immersion
I use vacuum distilled Hi qual Water
I use a small fishtank bubbler
I use a 1.5 Litre  Pyrex container ( Coffee pot)
I run for 8 hours.

Tyndall is a faint red indistinct-edged line uniformly throughout the 1.5 litres.

We started out at 5 hours with a 1 litre container and have edged it up in timing to the 8 hour mark and never a show of yellow to date. The container/s were/are only ever rinsed out with Distilled H20, the coins cleaned of the grey efflorescence (?) with a lint- free tissue, then rotated for next run.

We have no sediments, no odd colours and find it hard to believe that people who drink things like tapwater and hot coffee could ever find a taste to the stuff! With our super-clean palates, ( no booze, no chemicals, clean air, monk lifestyle) there is a fine metallic merest hint of taste - and this from systems that can detect one part in a BILLION of Chlorine.

Except that it has proven to work with great results, I would wonder if we were making the good stuff at all!

I'm going to buy a tester just to see what our product is, but my thoughts are that the extremely low voltage/current, extremely clean water and genuine 9999 Silver with massive area exposure comparatively and the gentle bubble effect are very important factors, as is the low start and finish temperature of the water 20C +-

Then of course, we don't mix it with toxic substances like sports drinks or colas and do go to a bit of trouble to hold it in the mouth for a few minutes.
AND by then we have also microsized it by adding  H202.

Dosages we have worked on are: 1/4 cup or a bit less to which we add 3 eyedroppers of reduced 35% H202 AR Grade (finest) to 3% in CS for internals. 3 x per day Skin Cancer: 50% DMSO ( AR finest) to unmicrosized H202 ( it "appears" that DMSO and H202 are not good symbiotes....... ?) Closed two lesions unhealed despite all efforts for 2 years.
Salvaging a badly infected root canal:  as above.
Cut flower extender ( 200% life)  2 drops in vase of  unmodified CS
Deodorant: fine spray bottle ( ex perfume) standard CS after shower. ( We live right on Coast - high heat and humidity She says it definitely works on me!) :-)

DMSO: 50% behind knees to switch off cramps! A real gift. Cramp pain actually approaches that of Cancer. (The type that grabs lower legs and can propel a sound asleep person upright and crashing into a wall metres away! Then to fall a sobbing moaning mess onto the floor..... you get the idea...)

Final real anecdotal: 3 months ago had my eyes tested - even using Eyebright tincture was only holding my eyes in a sore state, not pain. Then started on CS + DMSO and 3 months later got a reminder to go get the glasses. I went, got them and although no more eye problems, started to use the computer aligned pair and eyes went bad quickly. Tried the driving glasses on a trip to the Airport and was really unimpressed when I went to read the arrivals monitor and couldn't!
Went back to the optometrist complained bitterly and he redid the test.
No mistaking it. Both glasses were for someone with eyes in much worse shape than mine! I told him to forget it - my ten year old prescription would do ................
I expect to improve even further.

No, he CERTAINLY wasn't interested in how I did it. The rent on his new shop and renovations alone are problem enough........... he needs to sell a lot of glasses.

Shortly I hope to post more defined data and greater success on the MATRIXIDE Archive http://snipurl.com/8xaa

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