I can't even imagine forgetting to eat. I've rarely missed a meal in my life, and it shows. If I am late getting a meal, I get headaches, my hands begin to shake, and I get very dizzy, and pretty soon I can't form a coherent thought or function at all. And I also get unbelievably cranky and irritable. And this happens just being late for ONE meal-------going days? never. Hmmm, very interesting about the "fresh" vs, "stabilized" EIS. I gotta look into that. I do find that sipping EIS throughout a day seems to have more positive effects than simply chugging a big glassful (except in the case of GI upset, in which case drinking a lot all at once is best for me). The variables in making and taking EIS are myriad, endlessly fascinating.......... RE toenail fungus, I just read that daily soaking in straight Listerine can get rid of it........ I really relate to never doing anything with perfect consistency. I can't either. Even my attempts to drink a quart a day have failed, as I just cannot do it daily............same with meds, vitamins, whatever, I can't do anything the same day after day after day. Must be a mental problem? LOL!

Ode Coyote wrote:

 When the fungus was in remission, I was developing the generator
circuitry and running batch after batch, tasteing each one as soon as it
was done.
This was not an every day thing.
One thing I've noticed when sipping a shot glass full of very fresh CS/EIS
is that I 'feel' energized as though I just drank 2 cups of coffee. No
jitters, just a very 'awake' feeling.
I don't feel that with 'stabilized' EIS.

I built myself a shot glass sized generator and set out to run it every day.
Problem with that is...I don't have the discipline to even 'eat' every day,
certainly not with any regularity.
I keep the CS bottle near the tooth brush to use after I brush. I brush
after I eat.  That might be 6 times a day or not at all for a couple of
days till dizziness reminds me to fuel up.
I've been known to wash a handful of raw oatmeal down with water and call
that a meal.
I'm just not very good at regimens and schedules.

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