Peanuts are often moldy, even organic ones. I have read about them mold
toxins inducing liver cancer. This could take a lifetime, for many
reasons. The largest of which to me is that as we age our systems become
more susceptible and do not bounce back from toxic or stress exposures
like we did when we were younger and more full of Growth Hormone, the
hormone that controls all tissue repair and growth. 

I also notice that if any of my allergies is triggered I seem to become
more sensitive to other allergies. Total Load theory.

Canned foods have estrogenic compounds in the lining, even organic
canned goods. These estrogen mimicks are very hard on our health and is
one of the mechanisms of pesticides interfering with our health.

Mushrooms are a no-no on the Candida Diet. I used to love them but lost
my taste for them when I had severe Candida. I never eat the canned
ones, well maybe at a restaurant once a year. I just don't like them.
Fresh ones now sometimes appeal to me, mainly Portabellas or Baby
Bellas. Anderw Weil says the white commercial mushrooms are
carcinogenic. I lost my taste for them anyway so not a risk for me any

Allergies and Candida by Stephen Rochlitz PhD (physics) is the best
treatment of Candida Dysbiosis that I have ever seen. He has a website
and has devoted himself to teaching about Candida. He almost died from
it in spite of his ability to research the condition. One seminar he
attended that taught a set of "exercises" that balance left right and
brain body coordination (energy meridians) cured him of his MCS and
subsequently his candida. I have done them and they are amazing! Made me
want to cry they were so hard at first due to incoordination -- I felt
like a baby learning to crawl, frustrated! I highly recommend them for
all health issues as many times our energy meridians are switched due to
lack of cross crawling as an infant or trauma. They are not difficult as
far as physical demand, take about an hour and include test points to
see if you need to do each one. I just did them all, several times and
then did not do them again. One time I cleared a severe migraine and MCS
/ CFS fatigue and sensitivity and partied late into the night during the
time that I was having to sleep 18 hours a day and could only manage
about a tenth of my normal activity level. 

I can't say enough about this book. It talks about the Candida diet and
other supplements. I tried lots of the supplements and the diet but
until I started UT enemas and did these meridian balancing exercises I
was not getting results. I stopped all the supplements that I had read
so long and hard to find out about and locate. 

Stephen Rochlitz thinks that being "switched" is why some people get
terribly ill from Candida and others just get a simple vaginal or oral
thrush infection that does not overwhelm them. His theories on switching
on very interesting and also espoused in some form by Robert Doman and
the Brain Gym system.


On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 13:33, sol wrote:
> I found out I am allergic to peanuts. Now, I had 
> eaten peanuts and peanut butter with seemingly no problems all my life, 
> but after about 2 or more months without a single one, I ate some peanut 
> butter and got dreadfully ill, lasted a whole day. Now I can't even bear 
> the smell of peanuts. With mushrooms,another thing I'm apparently 
> allergic to now, I didn't feel as sick, but I can no longer eat the 
> canned ones especially, but again, I had eaten and enjoyed them all my 
> life previously (I'm 58). I confess, I don't really understand either of 
> these happenings.

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