Dell computers are a VERY poor choice. If you would like more
information email me at or

We own a computer consulting firm and my husband has 15 years industry
experience with Fortune 100 companies.

Bottom line on Dells their support sux, it takes three weeks to get any
repairs regardless of what they say. You can not trust what components
they use. They use what ever is cheapest that week.

We can steer you in much more reliable direction but I don't want to
clutter the list. is a good source for PCs

Or look at the eMac or iMac for a secure system that does not require
virus protection because it is Unix base. Macs are a bit pricier but
when you see the inside and experience the difference you will never
look back. This coming from a dyed in the wool PC users of the past 15
years, who even builds his own shuttle case PCs.


On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 18:11, David Bearrow wrote:
> At 10:51 AM 11/11/04, you wrote:
> >OK -- so I am about to order a new computer (a Dell) and I'm wondering if
> >there is any point in paying them $69.00 to install Norton 
> >Anti-Virus??       MA
> Personally I hate Norton. Its intrusive, bulky, and doesn't work all that 
> great. There are plenty of free online scanners:
> or if you feel like you HAVE to have one locally on your computer and 
> absolutely want to pay for it then I recommend F-protect for windows for 
> $30 a year, it updates itself and catches all the little buggies:
> David Bearrow 
> --
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