Actually they do eat fermented fish and meat. They bury it for long periods of
time in the ground, I understand, and need to eat some of it to thrive.
"Eskimo, or Innu, ate a diet of almost 100% animal products with hefty amounts 
of fish. Walrus and seal, and other marine mammals also formed an integral part 
of the diet. Blubber (fat) was consumed with relish. Innu would gather nuts, 
berries, and some grasses during the short summer months, but their diet was 
basically all meat and fat. Price noted that the Innu would usually ferment 
their meat before eating it. That is, they would bury it and allow it to 
slightly putrefy before consuming it. Innu would also eat the partially 
digested grasses of caribou by cutting open their stomachs and intestines."
Sounds tasty, eh? ;)>

John Rigby <> wrote:
At 08:06 AM 19/11/04, you wrote:
> Fine book called Kabloona. Is about a fellow who lived with those of 
> the far north for a time. He came to enjoy the taste of rotted seal meat 
> though at first simply couldn't stand the thought. When he returned to 
> 'civilization' he required a transition period since a temp of 30 or so 
> degrees was like a furnace to him.

Strange - the Eskimo... sorry whatevers - didn't and don't eat rotten 
meat. Only the English developed that disgusting habit as far as I know - 
a favourite being called "Jugged Hare".

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