Ionic Silver would benefit gastric ulcers merely by acting similar to an
antacid.  Ag+ + Cl- > AgCl thereby reducing acidity which is causing some of
the pain and aggravating the ulcer.

Dr. Kenney
PS:  Interesting experiment.
How are you measuring CS concentration (ionic vs colloidal?)

OK, I have started the milk experiment.  I have some preliminary
results, but am surprised at the results.

Here is the test setup:

1. Milk stated out initially at about 2 C. (35 F).
2. ambient temperature is 20 C (69 F).
3. 2 oz. of 2% milk was added to all the glasses.
4. one teaspoon (.167 oz) of test substance was added to each glass,
except the first one.
5. The first 3 glasses were slightly larger diameter than the last 3.
6. The ionic has about 1/2 the ion content of the original EIS and about
1/14 the particle content of the original EIS and was generated via

Here are the results thus far, times are length of time to clabbering,
longer is better:

1. Plain milk - 42 hours
2. EIS added - 51 hours
3. EIS with a pinch of salt added - 42 hours
4. Ionic silver added - 60 hours
5. colloidal silver added - not yet clabbered but stated 24 hours later
6. EIS + H2O2 added - same as 5

Now, the last two were started 24 hours later to allow the EIS with salt
added to settle out in the fridge. Not all had settled, so #5 was
additionally filtered with filter paper.

#6 was done at the same time as #5 although using EIS because I did not
think of doing that earlier. They are both about 38 hours into the
experiment right now.

Now, the results I got are at the least stunning! I am planning on
repeating as soon as I can, and I hope someone else will repeat it as
well.  I cannot figure out the results at all!  It appears that the
colloidal part of the EIS not only does nothing at all, but actually
retards the ionic portion from working! On top of that it seems that
adding a pinch of salt makes the EIS no different than plain milk with
nothing added!  Keep in mind that the ionic #4 was about 50% as strong
as the ionic portion of the EIS as determinated with adding salt to it
and the titrating the original EIS to get the same milkyness at the
original EIS, yet was more effective than the original EIS.

This raises several questions.  First, if adding NaCl to form silver
chloride makes the EIS ineffective, then how the heck does EIS work for
both stomach ulcers, food poisoning, and anything else internal.
Unfortunately I have no answer for that one, I need to do some more
testing.  My guess is that with something in the stomach, other things
happen, maybe the silver reacts with the bacteria, or proteins before or
instead of it forming silver chloride.  As far a when it gets in the
blood, the best guess at this time is that it becomes fulminating silver
when it reaches the blood, then becomes pairs of silver particles when
it reacts with glucose in the blood.  This can be tested for as well.

But these results are so far out of line with what I would expect, I
want to rerun the tests, and hopefully have someone else run them as
well to verify.  Maybe some of the glasses were contaminated with
bacteria that the others were not, so some got a head start.  When I
rerun the test I plan on letting the milk sit out for 12 hours before
dividing, and using alcohol to disinfect each of the glasses to minize
initial conditions affecting the results.  Also the first 3 glasses are
slightly larger diameter than the last 3, so they would have had more
air exposure. Although I did put paper towels over all the glasses to
keep out dust, maybe the additional oxygen from increased surface area
allowed the bacteria to replicate faster.  That is one more reason to do
it all again.

So keep in mind this is preliminary, until we confirm it with additional
experiments don't take it as gospel.  It is entirely possible I screwed
up somehow.


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