I agree 100%, Marshall.  We limit ourselves by our belief.
For instance, has anyone heard that in some societies people can regenerate 
extremeties simply because no one told them they can't?

Marshall Dudley <mdud...@king-cart.com> wrote:
Han en/of Erna Nieuwmans wrote: Hello Richard Harris and Harold MacDonald, 
Thanks for your reaction on my previous remark about wanting to use a 
dowsing-rod with regard to waterpurification by using CS.I am afraid perhaps 
there is a little miscommunication here, due to an English language mistake on 
my part. Sorry for that. I understand now from your reactions that a dowsing 
rod is a piece of equipment only to search for water. 
In actuality a dowsing rod (or any dowing device such as a pendulum) can be 
used to obtain any type of information.  It is the person who is doing the 
dowsing, not the rod or device that is able to do this.  You will find people 
who will state restrictions on what the mind can do, and they will become 
limitations for anyone who believes it. After all, believe in a limitation, and 
it will be yours.   If you ever watch Charmed on TV, and although fiction you 
will find them dowsing for all kinds of information, often the location of 
people (or demons).  In psychic detectives, which are true stories, sometimes 
the psychic will dowse for a person's or body's location over a map.  Some 
dowsers have gotten rich by dowsing for oil or gas using a map as well. 
I read a book a few years ago, I think the titled was "Christian Healing".  It 
claimed that hands on healing only will work on strangers or distant friends, 
it will not work on family members, or yourself. Luckily I was doing hands on 
healing long before I read the book and did not know about that limitation, so 
I had lots of success on both family members as well as myself.  When I first 
read it I could not understand why it was a problem with the book author and 
everyone he had taught. Now I understand that the mind will only do what it 
believes is possible, and he had taught that limitation to all those he 
instructed.  Unfortunately, thinking within the box only, makes it so nothing 
can exist outside the box for that person.  This was shown quite well in the 
movie "What the bleep do we know", where none of the American indians could 
originally see the European ships coming into land because they did not believe 
in the existance of such ships initially. 
 That's not my intention though, as I would like to state the quality of our 
wellwater, after I added CS to it, so it can be drank safely.Here this kind of 
equipment is called a BIOTENSOR (or BIOSENSOR): a single, thin, metal rod with 
a handle that starts moving in specific ways by the influence of the person's 
subconscious after you have concentrated on a question. 
Yes, same device, different name. 
 Just this morning I have bought such an instrument, together with the 
necessary equipment to produce  my own CS. Next week an experienced Biotensor 
user will come and teach me the basics on how to use it and then I have to 
start experimenting myself: with the CS, added to the wellwater. Also to find 
out the right amounts of CS that are best used for us and for our animals and 
plants. And of course I will keep you up to date of my findings via the 
Keep us posted. 
  Best regards,Erna  

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