Ode, Erna

You speak my language.  For this post, I have substituted the Self with the
word dowser and I know you will understand. I agree, we are all born dowsers
.  This is a universal law.  But, unfortunately, in just a short while we
forget WHAT we are.  Our entire being is a dowsing mechanism, that can go
deep, high, far, and wide in every direction, and we can learn to use it as
such.  Each of us is born with this ability, this innate quality, and this
orientation.   When we stay present and tuned in to that orientation or
sensitivity, we develop mastery or expertise, and become exactly what we are
  A Full Human BEING.   We are always seeking outside of ourselves to find
that which is.  By bits, and pieces of the whole, we come together in such
groups as these to share our expertise, our bit and piece, and to integrate
into the larger dowsing energy that other dowsers contribute in order to
attempt to experience the whole.  I'll bet if you asked any old time dowser
about 'trust' he would look at you funny, and ask, "What do you mean?"  This
is because -- A good dowser is TRUST. He/She is a piece of what is and doesn
t question it, that would be seeking outside of oneself again. There is no
question, not even the thought about trust.  He/She simply Knows.  And, for
those practicing, a good dowsing tool can be your friend.  It is a tool that
can be used to attract insight with just a question.  The deeper the
question, the deeper the opening.  All it is is an extension of the energy
of the Universe.
-------Original Message-------
From: Han en/of Erna Nieuwmans
Date: 03/17/05 11:22:17
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>waterdebate
Hello Marshall and Sally,
You are certainly right, about that you get what you believe in; thoughts
are things, aren't they?  I realise that this biotensor (or dowsing rod, or
pendulum or even a string with a wedding ring!) are all only MEANS or TOOLS.
We people have forgotten who we really are, but as soon as we dare to trust
again completely on our feeling or intuition (= our Higher Self or what you
want to call it) we don't need biotensors or any of this kind of tools
anymore. We then simply KNOW what we need to know, for instance if the
amount of CS is enough to clear the water. And we are able to heal ourselves
 by just concentrating with warm attention on the painful spot. I am sure
that by using such a device one's  intuition gets stronger, so that at a
certain moment you don't need it anymore - you just KNOW. But until then, I
am very happy that I am able to use such a useful device, as it strenghtens
the intuition as well. 