I think the debate is good. For instance I am going to check if EDTA will
cause silver chloride in solution to be chelated.  I would never have thought
of this without the debate.  I think it is very important if we can figure
out how all this works (since we are far past the point of knowing that it
DOES work).  The Gatorade and H2O2 were found by experimenting, not theory.
But theory shows why they do what they do, and with good theory other
improvement may become obvious to us for other enhancements.


"M. G. Devour" wrote:

> Frank writes:
> > ASAP 22 is far superior at killing pathogens compared to Sovereign
> > Silver 10 ppm because is has more than twice the silver concentration.
> > The test clearly indicates that the ASAP 22 produced virtually the same
> > results as Mesosilver. Yet Quinto would have us believe from his tests
> > that his 10 ppm product works and Mesosilver does nothing. Utter
> > nonsense!
> Yep, we have here not one, but *two* vendors trying to insist that the
> other's product is ineffective. Both have some good arguments on their
> side. Both are saying some unsupportable or manipulative things in
> order to persuade us to favor their product. That's marketing folks!
> In the absence of any new evidence that:
> -- Home-made preparations with both ionic and particulate fractions are
> somehow ineffective...
> -- That purely ionic CS is incapable of creating a blood-born component
> that is somehow effective...
> -- That only high particle fraction preparations will work...
> -- That high particle fraction preparations will *not* work...
> ... I'm afraid that we'll be forced to leave this debate pretty soon,
> with no particular (pun intended) resolution one way or the other, in
> the interest of saving ourselves from a protracted and destructive
> argument that most folks will not be interested in...
> Not immediately, mind you, but pretty soon.
> The more personal it seems to be getting, the sooner we'll drop it...
> Thank you,
> Mike Devour
> list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>