Could it be that the dissolved portions as ions and anions are unstable
while the undissolved portions as a compound are stable?


At 06:41 PM 3/28/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Marshall wrote:
>>> Silver ions in a solution cannot exist without water, so when the water 
>>> is
>>> evaporated the silver ions (cations) must combine with an available anion 
>>> to
>>> form a compound. The predominant anions present in a silver colloid
>>> solution (EIS) are hydroxide and carbonate.
>> Where does the carbon come from? Absorbed CO2?
>Yes, from absorbed CO2.
>>> The compounds thus formed are silver hydroxide and silver carbonate.
>>> Silver hydroxide is unstable and reduces to silver oxide and hydrogen.
>>I agree.
>>> The silver carbonate will reduce to silver oxide
>>> and carbon dioxide.
>>Silver carbonate is a stable compound. It is available from Acros chemical
>> with 99% purity.  Why would it decompose unless exposed to light?
>We believe that:
>During desiccation the water (H2O) and silver carbonate (Ag2CO3) would first 
>form silver oxide (Ag2O) and carbonic acid (H2CO3). The carbonic acid 
>reduces to water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which is draw off leaving 
>the silver oxide (Ag2O).
>We will do some further checking and will confirm this later.
>Frank Key
>Colloidal Science Lab.
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