You might consider this article on fibromyalgia.

Success Stories...

I have fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis (MS). I just have been in lots
and lots of pain for years. It started with migraines when I was younger and
then I had polio when I was 28. From that time on, the pain and the chronic
migraines just got worse and worse. Finally, I ended up in bed and felt like
I was a piece of cooked spaghetti because I lost all my strength from my
neck down. I couldn't walk and I couldn't function. I had used a lot of
herbs, I had been to a lot of doctors, and had used alternative remedies for

A friend talked me into using a product containing transfer factors. I
started out feeling just a little bit more strength if I lay in bed. I got a
little bit stronger and a little bit stronger. I noticed I could at least
get up with a cane or something like that for a little bit of time. Little
by little I got stronger and then I had more time between my episodes.
Finally after about two and a half months on that product, I felt really,
really good and didn't have a lot of episodes until I went outside and
started pulling weeds. That kind of knocked me down again for a day. 

I have also been using a product for the pain that contains Methyl sulfonyl
methane (MSM), Boswellia serrata, Grape extract, Devil's Claw, Alpha lipoic
acid, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Malic acid and more, which has just been
fantastic. Whenever I start feeling the pain come on, I use that product. 

Later, I tried a product with transfer factors, zinc, maitake and shiitake
mushrooms, IP6, cordyceps, thymic factors, manans and beta glucan. I had a
little bit more cleansing go on, so I backed off the amount I was using. I'm
just doing great. In fact I'm out jumping on the trampoline with the
grandkids sometimes. I do have to watch it a little bit and get some rest.
But I've never been down like I was last year. It's just been fantastic.

S. H.

Trem, Or anybody who can answer this.

My husband has Fibromyalgia. Are you familiar with this and if so have you
heard of anybody's experiences using ionic and/or colloidal ? Or do you have
any suggestions. He was just diagnosed about a month ago so I am checking
into all avenues that could help him with this ugly disease. Thanks in
advance for anything you come up with.

