----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurie Bartlett" <douglau...@comcast.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: CS>
Trem, Or anybody who can answer this.
My husband has Fibromyalgia. Are you familiar with this and if so have you
heard of anybody's experiences using ionic and/or colloidal ? Or do you have
any suggestions. He was just diagnosed about a month ago so I am checking
into all avenues that could help him with this ugly disease. Thanks in
advance for anything you come up with.
To the extent that the fibro is caused by pathogenic microbes (some say that
viruses and even Lyme spirochetes are implicated), the CS could be helpful
if enough was taken.
However, and I speak from experience, there's also lots that can be done
dietarily. No sugars, fake foods, and I'd also suggest eliminating glutenous
grains which can cause mucho digestive and systemic problems even if it's
not full-blown celiac disease. Also it's paramount to get enough minerals.
Many people with fibro are deficient in, or require very high amounts of,
magnesium and other minerals including trace minerals. Formulations for
fibro from the health food store include malic acid to feed the
mitochondria, the energy centers of the cells. It seems that the body's
ability to metabolize completely and obtain enough energy is compromised
with fibro.
My own aches and pains always reduce significantly when I drink an
alkalizing green drink. I use (and promote, and sell) Super Greens, a highly
charged green powder from Inner Light made from many grasses and herbs. It
works optimally with a liquid called Prime pH which is free oxygen and
liberates the calcium in the greens. Together they have a potent positive
effect in the body. People with fibro and what is called arthritis do really
well on these products, because they alkalize the body and help flush out
poisons. However, any green drink you feel drawn to could do the trick as
long as it's potent. I can tell that the Super Greens is potent and alive
because when I scoop it up on a spoon the powder forms static electricity
Another *big* factor is sweating to eliminate the waste material from
microbes -- as well as those wastes that occur naturally as a result of cell
metabolism. I am not exaggerating when I say that sauna therapy is
absolutely fantastic for pain-related conditions, especially if you're using
a far infrared sauna. It's partly the heat, but also the elimination of
poisons that accumulate in the body. (And of course when you sweat, you have
to be super diligent about replenishing minerals.)
Ozone therapy could also be beneficial. The ozone kills microbes and also
helps the body's tissues and immune function work better.
You can find more information about most of the above on my website.
Nenah Sylver, PhD
available now:
The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
products and services for wellness
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