Re: CS>
From: Mike Monett
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 21:01:05

  I forgot another serious flaw with close-spaced electrodes:

  4. The close spacing increases the chance of an ion  channel forming
  between the electrodes. This is a high speed jet from  one electrode
  to the other - I think from the anode to the cathode but it could be
  either one.  There  is  also a small amount  of  mist  with constant
  current sources,  and perhaps much more with constant voltage  as in
  the Gaia design.

  The ion channel effectively short-circuits the electrodes  and stops
  the brew.  The maximum ion concentration is much lower  than normal.
  Usually, the only option is to toss the brew and start over again.

  If you  did  not notice the ion channel forming  (they  are  hard to
  spot), and you don't monitor the uS reading with a Hanna or the salt
  test, you may never notice the reduced quality of the brew.

  The only  indication is it may not stop a flu or cold, which  is why
  you take cs in the first place:)

Mike Monett

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