OK, I have posted here a number of times about measuring the absorption
spectrum of EIS for different particle sizes using a scanning
photospectrometer, and also even mentioned that praying over water or doing
Reiki on it also changed it's absorption characteristics.  I never was able
to post this information because the computer it was on would not boot, and
I was unable to get it off the hard drive. I finally figured out how to get
it off using a floppy disk with an autoexec file on it to copy the files
over to the floppy.  Hallelujah!

Anyway, I have posted these spectrums, as well as the raw data, at

The last three are very interesting because they show that intent is all
that is needed to affect water, and I believe that explains homeopathic
preparations as well. I ran a bunch of these tests with different intents
and got consistent results for any specific intent by any specific person
but totally different results for each different intents.  Unfortunately the
only ones I saved to the disk at the time were healing intents done by
different people since I was only doing it for my understanding of how water
reacts to different things, including intent, and if intent was affecting
how colloidal silver performs.  Note that the Reiki one is different than
the other two done with healing prayer.  In fact they are almost opposite,
but not quite.  That seems to indicate to me that there is more than one
energy involved.

Of course we already know that water reacts to intent through the work of
Masaru Emoto and his water crystal photos

I hope this helps substantiate earlier things I have claimed but did not
have the data available to prove.


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