Scientists Call on EPA to Reassess Health Risk of Widespread Chemical 
Controversy over the human health impacts of low doses of endocrine disrupting 
chemicals escalated to a new level yesterday with publication of an analysis in 
Environmental Health Perspectives. In a follow-up teleconference with 
journalists, Drs. Fred vom Saal and George Lucier called on the Environmental 
Protection Agency to conduct a new risk assessment of the ubiquitous chemical 
Bisphenol-A (BPA). 

The new report, co-authored by Dr. vom Saal, a neurobiologist at the University 
of Missouri, and Claude Hughes, a biologist at East Carolina University, 
evaluated 115 scientific studies of the health impacts of BPA, a chemical used 
in most plastic containers, food and beverage cans, dental sealants, plastic 
baby toys and bottles, and other consumer products. 

BPA leaches from these containers and into the food and drink they contain. 
Water used in bathing and drinking is another source of exposure. Large 
quantities of BPA leach into the soil under landfills, and hence into the water 

The authors found that 94 of the studies showed harmful effects from BPA in 
laboratory animals. They further found that of the 21 studies finding no health 
effects, 11 were funded by industry. 

The new study contrasts with a study completed in 2002 (but released in 2004) 
by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, which concluded that the "evidence for 
low-dose effects is very weak." [1] The Center's study was funded by the 
American Plastics Council. 

The debate over BPA has become so intense that it has reached the California 
state legislature, which is considering a ban on its use in all products for 
children age three and under. 

BPA is so widespread that it has been found in almost every American, and, for 
that matter, most people in developed countries around the globe. The critical 
health issue, said vom Saal, is that "the level in humans is consistent with 
the level in animal studies" that find BPA causing harm. Dr. Lucier, former 
director of the National Toxicology Program at the National Institute of 
Environmental Health Sciences, added that "findings in rats and mice were 
extremely predictive" for determining health effects in humans. 

Studies have found that BPA mimics the female sex hormone estrogen, and can 
interfere with such body processes as reproductive and brain functions. Babies 
and infants are especially at risk since they are irreversibly damaged by BPA. 
According to vom Saal, impacts can range from hyperactivity to increased 
aggressiveness, learning disabilities, and altered sex behavior as adults. BPA 
also decreases the male sex hormone testosterone. BPA, says vom Saal, is "an 
extremely potent sex hormone-like drug." 

Pointing out that regulatory responsbility for BPA is the purview of many 
federal agencies--EPA, the Food and Drug Administration, Consumer Product 
Safety Commission and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, among 
others--Drs. Lucier and vom Saal called for a new risk assessment coordinated 
among all the involved agencies. 


NOTE: Extensive background materials on the BPA issue are available at