Many of these "disorders" are real..but are they "diseases" that should be treated with drugs???

IMO, unless there is something wrong with the brain or glands, natural chemicals should be made naturally and the reason why they aren't should be addressed, rather than masking over the root of the problem with synthetic chemicals.

The problem with Heroin is not that it's a dangerous drug [in nonlethal doses..which ends all problems post haste], but that it so closly mimics a natural chemical and when heroin is used too often, the brain/body decides it doesn't need to make it anymore.
The results are well known.

IMO, the only 'legitamite' use for mood altering chemicals is:
A] Occasional sport
B] A reminder to the 'person' that feeling good and being functional is possible, therefore, something that can be achieved. [People do forget how to feel good sometimes and can even become addicted to not feeling good. If you have forgotton that you CAN feel good, you won't start 'doing' it.]

..see reason 'A' and bookmark that page to refer to when your mental feedback loop story goes South.

But keeping a mental balance is the responsibility of the person, not a doc and a lab.
You CAN "decide" to let go of depression in most cases, for instance, but it takes taking responsibility for mental state to do that.
If you have decided that your mind is not yours, good luck...and that's what pills help you do beyond reminding you of what a feel-good decision feels like.
Dependence on an offical paid enabler isn't going to help you be anywhere other than where you are.

Then too, society seems to want everyone to fit some cookie cutter definition of what you are 'supposed' to feel like.
Artists are often nuts for a reason. A well balanced happy person has a hard time writing mournful lost love songs. Angst is sometimes useful and that artist is only happy 'because' he isn't. [If he weren't nuts, he'd be broke]

Snap out of it!
I can't!
..well, there ya go.
You are absolutely right.

I hear voices in my head! do I.
Why do 'you' listen to them?

Ever stop to think that a person with ADHD might actually be BORED and finds distracting internal mental activity [ suppressed genius maybe? ..maybe self indulgent depression] more stimulating?

Poor self image?
Oh, you didn't know that ALL self images are a total fantasy?
Wake UP!

Life is a game of "Help me prove my fantasy real" matter WHAT that fantasy is, you'll get help proving it real.

If you don't like's time to start arguing with yourself in such a manner as to win the argument.
PS, You ALWAYS win the arguement.
The only way to lose is to decide and prove to yourself that your own thoughts aren't yours. Then, losing IS winning. [You ALWAYS WIN and your every sense WILL validate it, no matter WHAT was won.]
Self validating feedback loops can be tricky.
Just "know" that all of them belong to you and you alone and you can un-trick [re-trick] yourself the same way.

After all, If EVERY image is a lie, then you can pick any lie you wish...and DO...whether you know it or not.

I am the easiest person in this universe for me to fool.
I can even fool myself into believing I can't.
And always do so with the utmost success.
It is THE greatest power in the universe.
[It may well be the ONLY power in the universe.]
..and one that cannot not be used by any being that endeavors to perceive.

Perception is [proven] NOT PASSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It 'appears' to be passive.
Nothing 'IS', as it appears.

One day, I tricked myself into believing I was on Earth.
I did everything I needed to do to make it absolutely con-vincing to me.
Boy, oh boy! That birth thing.....!!!! [Thanks for co-operating, Mom. You believe it too, don'cha? That's a big help. Thanks.]
All that growing up. Acne and hormones and broken bones.
MASTERFUL! good that I STILL believe it.
I believe it because I remember it...but then, I remember some things that didn't happen too.
Some must not have because such things can't happen, right?
Others look different now, but I remember how they looked then.
I must have been nuts.
What has changed?
Nothing. [I'm still nuts and still believe I'm not..that's the way it all works.]

It's simple troubleshooting logic:
If you want to solve a problem, look for what all the effects of the problem have in common.
What problem is it and what does it affect? [who?]

Ode Wan Coyote [bites his fantasy of a tail...again. The pain proving it real to his absolute satisfaction. Self validating feedback loop...end of search.]

Question: If I feel compelled to believe something, can I do it without biting?
Maybe I should bite YOUR tail, so you'll bite mine and make it all convincingly real...and your fault.
[Many shades of dial 9/11?]

Now why is it that dogs don't lick their balls more often?
Pain is more convincing? [Chomp, YELP!, yup]
[Dog ..god seen backwards, an image in a mirror.. must be crazy]
So, he shall 'be'.
Good doggie!
...and Mona Lisa smiles her master painted smile, not knowing the whys?..
Perhaps I do AND don't, she denies.
Leonardo DeConvinci

A poem with only one word is a uni-verse.
Can ya dig it?
[Now that I've made me a whole, what do I do with all this dirt?]

The word is Ummmm.

Etoyoc Naw Edo

At 10:26 AM 4/25/2005 EDT, you wrote:
In a message dated 4/25/2005 9:03:29 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

But maybe they
can at least cure all the bogus diseases they made up
like "social anxiety disorder" and "attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder."

ADHD is not real? Not being sarcastic.

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