Another perspective - I was treating a child about 8 and thyroid presented
as an issue.  Specific hormones were addressed with connections to many
other areas of the body.  I shared the hormone info with the mother who
exclaimed 'I've been on synthyroid for 10 years - before this child was
born'.  The older ones are not hyper.  Note: This is not a study - it's
private practice.  

Two weeks later, the teacher asked the child 'What's up?'  The child did not
know what she referred to.  Paraphrasing I was told the teacher identified
that the child had not been out of her desk in two days since returning from
Easter break, had not disrupted the class, bugged other students, did her
homework, was paying attention and asking questions, and generally not the
severe ADD/ADHD behaviours that had plagued her the past 3 years of school.

The house rule of survival for all was that she not be in the same room as
her brother has been lifted --- they now study together.  Mom & Dad have
even took her to a meeting of an 1hr and she did not interrupt once.  She's
listening and holding to the suggested behaviour guidelines now.

In my experience the root of what looks like ADD/ADHD may be beyond where
science conventionally looks.  The only important issue in these people's
lives is greater harmony in the family and at school.


> From: Ode Coyote <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 10:26:38 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>off topic - humour regarding drug companies
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 08:38:25 -0700
> If pollutants were the only factor, everyone in that environment would
> have ADHD and none in another environment would.
> There is something else in common with the effects.
> Ever stop to notice that some people don't want to pay attention?
> Maybe they find something or other dull? [What the heck "should" be
> interesting?]
> No one ever tries to manipulate anyone?
> Everyone is aware of what they are doing and why?
> No one justifies anything by blaming something else? [Who decides what's
> just and what's not?]
> Anything can be used for many purposes...including toxins.
> Toxins may be a tool, but they're not 'the' cause.
> Remove the hammer, and thumbs may well sigh in relief.
> But then, there are rocks.  Get it?
> Then again, whatever it takes to break a chain breaks a chain.
> If toxins are being used as a link in a chemical chain?
> It doesn't have to make sense, especially if the chain doesn't make sense.
> Ummm, come to think about it...there's not that much going on with humans
> that does make sense.
> That's what makes us interesting.
> We are very powerful but not always very smart.
> But then, 'smart' is an opinion and depends on point of view.
> Carry on.
> Ode

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