I am posting this again due to it being missing from the archives.

Continued from previous message.

>   Silver nitrate causes Argyria - where are the particles?

Huh, they form in the skin.  Silver nitrate becomes silver chloride in
the stomach, it is then absorbed into the blood stream where it is
exposed to chemicals that make it want to plate out. But there is
nothing to plate out on.  Some will end up in the skin where it is
exposed to light, and photoreduced to silver atoms.  Once some silver
particles (atoms) are produced in the skin, the silver compound in the
blood immediately plates out on them, and they grow very rapidly until
they get stuck in the skin causing argyria. I have explained this many
times.  The science is extremely well known and researched by Eastman
Kodak.  Franks tests that show no silver compounds in the blood after
taking EIS also support this.

Please for heavens sake, get a good book on the photographic process.
It is all explained there.  I am amazed that someone can continually
that the photographic process does not occur, when people have been
using it successfully for over 100 years.

>   It is  possible to make cs with very low  silver  hydroxide content.

Yes, if you make very low ppm of EIS, or somehow make the particle
content much larger than the typical 10%.

>   Nobody has  got Argyria from ionic cs, but plenty have from  MSP and
>   other products. See Jason's articles on Argyria:
>     http://www.silvermedicine.org/argyria-cases.html
>     http://www.silvermedicine.org/argyria.html

Yes, that supports my theory.  Colloidal silver is a prophylactic to
argyria, that means that it prevents it.

>   > Ionic silver improves healing due to it's ability to  make injured
>   > cells de-differentiate.
>   I agree  completely.  I  have had  some  near-miraculous  healing of
>   second degree  burns  by  placing ordinary  bandages  over  the open
>   wounds and keeping them soaked with 20uS cs.
>   A week or two later, the layers of skin are replaced with fresh skin
>   and you  cannot  tell where the damage occurred.  There  is  no scar
>   whatsoever.

That ionic forms of silver enhance healing has been very well

>   > I am  simply interested in know exactly how all this works,  and I
>   > really don't  care if it is the ions or particles that  do certain
>   > things, since any good EIS will have both.
>   I don't believe this is true. As mentioned above, it is  possible to
>   make high ionic cs with very low silver hydroxide content.

No, it is not.  Silver hydroxide has about 13 ppm of solubility as does
silver oxide. Between the two of them it sets an upper level of ionic
concentration of about 26 to 27 ppm, which is right where things really
begin falling apart.  What are you considering high ionic content?

>   The silver  hydroxide  particles  give cs  the  yellow  tint.  It is
>   desirable from  a cosmetic point of view to minimize it.  This means
>   finding ways to minimize the production of silver hydroxide.

No, silver hydroxide when dissolved in water is totally clear and
colorless.  The yellow tint is from the particles, this has been proven
time and again, it is documented in scientific literature dating back
decades. I have run photospectrographic samples of EIS and find that
they obey the published absorption curves exactly. If you freeze EIS,
then thaw it, the color disappears, as the particulate portion is
precipitated out, but the ionic portion, IE the silver hydroxide and
silver oxide is not.  If you add salt to EIS, it will still keep the
same yellow color since salt does not react with the particles, and
silver chloride is colorless which is formed from the silver oxide and
silver hydroxide when dissolved, but forms a white precipitate when it
exceeds it's very limited solubility. All this is known and proven.

>   > I believe  that in the body both ions and particles  end  up being
>   > particles in the end, so it does not really matter what  you start
>   > with.
>   The pople  who  make  MSP products claim  you  need  extremely large
>   concentrations in the bloodstream - several thousand ppm for invive,
>   and perhaps 40,000 ppm for tetrasilver.

You do for MSP, it is trapped in a protein.  I don't know anything
tetrasilver, up until recently I thought it was insoluble.  Tetrasilver
is a compound of silver, so not relevent anyway to how silver particles

>   If particles have any biological effect, why do these  products have
>   such high silver concentration?

Because when trapped in a protein they lose activity.  I am surprised
they work at all.  Tetarsilver is a compound, and not relevent to
particles at all.

>   I believe the only thing in cs that has any effect is the  ions.

> The
>   silver hydroxide  particles  are   insoluble,   inert,  and  have no
>   biological activity.

If it were insoluble, then there could be no such thing as ionic
silver. We all know it exists.  And if you say that the particle portion
of EIS
is ineffective, and now you are saying that the ionic portion is
ineffective, that would mean that the whole thing is ineffective, which
we both know is not true. You are implying that you can have a cation
without an anion, which of course is absolutely impossible, the
equations have to balance, and the total charge has to sum to 0.  You
cannot have silver cations without a anion to balance it.  There is
only silver, oxygen and hydrogen available, so the only choices for the
anion are the OH radical, and oxygen.  Thus the only two things ionic
CAN be are silver hydroxide and silver oxide (or peroxide which IS
totally insoluble).

> Steve Quinto's time/kill analysis of Mesosilver
>   shows that  the ions kill quickly, but the  chlorides  and particles
>   are inert in comparison to the ions.
>     http://tinyurl.com/3qb4v

We have conflicting information when compared with Frank's studies.
The short time may have been insufficient for the particles to kill
everything.  Also it is possible that the particles kill primarily
during multiplication of the microbes like most antibiotics, which
would mean that there was no time it could have killed them, they would
be dividing until they had a nutrients, and once on the gel, the
had no mobility.  My own studies showed that EIS effectiveness drops
way off if not done in a nutrient bath that is liquid like the blood. 
experiment is flawed, there are too many open questions it presents. It
is quite likely that the ionic portion of the silver chloride actually
did most of it's killing after being put on the gel, since unlike the
particles  it would still have mobility. The experiment is flawed,
there are too many open questions it presents.  More experiments to
narrow it
down need to be done.  Frank has done some additional experiments in
broth, and found that the particles are just as active as the ions, so
that tend to support this line of thinking.

However there is one other possiblity I had not considered.  Once the
silver chloride reaches the blood stream, it is wanting to plate out on
any silver particles it can find, or be reduced chemically or via
photoreduction.  What if the processes going on inside a pathogen cause
the silver ion to plate out inside the bacteria, then other particles
plate out on it causing it to grow so the bacteria cannot get rid of
it?  That could explain some things as well.  Maybe it happens when
divide, which would target bacteria and other pathogens, as well as
growing tissues.  Do we have evidence of this? Yes in fact we do, when
one takes large quantities of IES it can darken areas of the body that
are growing rapidly, IE hair and the moons of fingernails.  It is quite
possible a combination of things that allow silver to kill bacteria,
and both the ionic as well as the colloidal form do so, but by different
methods.  The colloidal form quite likely oxidizes the bacteria,
killing it like H2O2 does.  The ionic form quite likely interfers with
internal chemical process, and both could mess up the electrostatic
balance of the cell.  The ionic portion tends to repair dna or cause
reversal of the dna expression, which just might kill or inactivate
viruses since they are not full dna, but snippets which are
preexpressed for the host it is infecting.

>   Silverlon bandages  claim the body fluids  convert  elemental silver
>   into ions, but you have to wet the bandage with dw first.

Yes, apparently they have silver and another metal, and when you add a
fluid, you have shorted battery, and it produces silver ions just like
any EIS setup does with a battery.

>   The photos  on their web site clearly show healing does  take place.
>   But it  would seem to be much more effective if plain  bandages were
>   soaked in high ionic cs and placed on the wounds.

Maybe, maybe not.  The ionic portion in the bandage could be converted
to silver chloride pretty rapidly resulting in a maximum ppm of no more
than 1 ppm, but if you continually supply the silver ions, they may be
able to maintain a higher level of silver ions, completely swamping out
any chloride ions in the vicinity.


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