Another thing nobody has pointed out in answering Faith's question is 
how fast the reaction goes using tap water.

Faith, in your distilled water, very little current flows for a long 
time at the beginning of the process. Only after some silver gets into 
the water does the reaction start to go faster.

With Stan Jones using tap water, a *lot* of current started to flow 
right from the beginning.

Then, to top that off, he ran it for *way* too long at that pace.

Back a few years ago, before we knew better, we were told to put a 
"pinch of salt" in the water to speed things up. We were *also* told to 
only run the generator for a *few* minutes, and then call it done.

Now, because we've learned to use only pure distilled water, we also 
know that we have to run for an hour or more to get the same amount of 
silver into the water.

So what Stan did was not *only* make some silver compounds by combining 
with the mineral salts that were in the water he used, he *also* put 
*vastly* more total silver into his brew.

It would be more like what you would get leaving your generator running 
for an entire *day*. That's what Stan was drinking!

So don't do what Stan did and you'll be okay... okay?

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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