Well I started my first batch yesterday at 4 PM. It's now 7 AM and it's not 
done. I have a colloid master and when I did the test for water purity it was 
just fine (Arrowhead distilled) So I'm not sure what to do now. I'm concerned. 
I did want a higher PPM so it's set on 6. I'm concerned about the keep in the 
dark thing."  Why would that make a difference. Can I lift the box and look at 
it or would that ruin the batch and what about taking the box off to remove the 
silver and let set for 36 hours. It's seems more difficult that I thought it 
would be because of the darkness thing. I seen a post here about fuzz does' 
that stop the process and what about lifting the box to see if I have fuzz.
thanks for any input
worried cook