The Omega coconut oil I used for a year was ok. Not too coconutty for me, and it didn't make everything taste too sweet either. But the Tropical Traditions is very strongly coconut tasting, and also very sweet tasting to me. Bread made with it is nasty, too sweet. I can't imagine frying eggs in it. I am using it mainly in my skin cream, but it is going to take me forever to use it up that way. I just cannot use it in cooking.

Maybe I'm the weird one, I love my sweets as well as any sugar addicted person, but I cannot stand any "regular" food to be sweet. I don't like sweet bread unless it is a cinnamon roll, for example. I thought maybe French Toast in the TT coconut oil would be ok, but I disliked it there too.

I used to like popcorn with a mix of coconut oil and olive oil, but the Tropical Traditions was horrible in that, too, it doesn't taste "bad" just too sweet and too coconut. I always thought I liked coconut, but maybe I really don't.
sol wrote:

Dear Christine, I`ve been reading all the input about coconut oil, and it sounds interesting. But I have to ask a dumb question...does it taste like coconut, or is it different somehow? The reason I ask, that is one flavor I`ve never cared much for. I have had fresh coconut, and the shredded in things, and even had my hair washed in coconut-smelling shampoo. Like the flavors of mint and coffee, both of which I also dislike, I`ll pass.
(Maybe I`m just weird, as I like the smell of sulfur.)

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