Ernie said: You can buy refined organic coconut oil which doesn't have the coconut
taste. I've used this and it's fine. I don't particularly care for the
taste either especially when u cook something and it messes up the taste
of the dish you're making. It's not AS pure per say but better then

Rowena says: The Tropical Traditions site says: Expeller Pressed Coconut oil is less expensive than Virgin Coconut Oil, and because it goes through a steam deodorizing process the taste is very bland, unlike Virgin Coconut Oil which retains the odor and taste of fresh coconuts. Some people prefer a bland, tasteless oil. This coconut oil is solid below 76 degrees F. and liquid above that.

Maybe they have to deodorise it because it tastes so strong anyway that people would only want to use it on their skin - if they could bear the smell. The one I use is only pleasant, though I did have one once which smelled and tasted too strong for me. The one I like is direct micro expressed. (Kokonut). I have wondered whether it is the skin or brown membrane that causes the strong taste. Someone said that it is full of iodine and should not be included in the oil or it will spoil the oil and cream. If they are making oil without grating the membrane I have to take my hat off to them - I don't know how they do it!

One person on the Tropical Traditions forum said that since she has started using VCNO her lipomas have been shrinking. Might that suggest that the oil is dissolving something in the lipomas, working on the lipid level, or perhaps killing germs? I can't find any indication that germs of any kind are associated with lipomas, but as they seem to be finding increasing bugs causing all sorts of stuff my mind is wide open to the possibility. A site talking about Mycobacterium paratuberculosis said in part that by interfering with the immune system it can cause illnesses without researchers being able to find a connection in the disease site. I can't help wondering whether there is some bug (maybe so small they haven't found it yet??) causing fatty rubbish to be dumped in some compromised area where lipomas form.

It was found that people with Crohn's improved on a drug for tuberculosis,
suggesting that it is the TB like germ PARATB mycobacterium paratuberculosis
causing Crohns. .  The companies and gvts won't test it until it is
demonstrated to make people ill.  Crohns rates highest in lands which have
high usage of milk, unless the milk is boiled.  It is not easily detected in
microscopic examination and can take up to a year to show in other tests.
The cure is said to be to return cattle to grass feed rather than grain.  It
survives pasteurisation in raw milk.  It needs to be pasteurised in a
turbulent flow.  Grass fed cows do not harbour as many bacteria.  The
incidence of Crohns went up in the twenties when farmers began feeding grain
instead of grass.  Meat probably infected, but greatest risk from milk.  In
cattle, it is called Johne's disease.  A connection between the two would
devastate the cattle industry.  Infection shows up second and third decade
of life, but likely to have been infected in childhood during the milk
drinking years.  UK pasteurisers have increased pasteurisation time from 15
to 25 seconds.  Macrolide antibiotics are effective against it. (Antibiotic
regime reqs 4 different, high dose, could also produce antibiotic resistant
The germs aren't actually found in the affected tissues, they just initiate
the reaction that causes the particular disease.
They are small like viruses and have a fatty cover.  At the first sign of
heat it forms a spore, and re-emerges in its original form when things cool
down.  The wall contains mycolic acid which occurs nowhere else.  After
giving no symptoms for decades, it can emerge as an illness in the digestive
system (Crohn's), brain (Parkinson's) or in the immune system as RA, lupus,
diabetes, scleroderma, sarcoidosis,  . . .  one infection causing many
diseases, based on the location it shows up in.  It suppresses the immune
system and so does not show up in TB tests. article
by the Dr who found link in Mad Cow disease to Alzheimers, Parkinsons, etc.
Selenium, Vit D (cod liver oil) Vit C, garlic, berberine, phytic acid,  may
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