A remedy that I *know* works.  Especially with the dreaded fire ant!
Instant Grits.  Buy a box of instant grits.  Make sure it hasn't rained
recently or won't in the next 24 hours.  Sprinkle about a tablespoon on the
ant mound.  The ants will carry into the mound and give to the Queen to eat.
She eats the grits and then when she drinks the grits swell up and kill her.
I KNOW it works.  I have tried it three times.  I did have to repeat
application on one ant hill but it killed them too.  I haven't tried it with
regular sugar ants.  I might mix the grits with some powdered sugar..



From: rose [mailto:a_r...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 6:41 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>fleas and ticks OT


as for ants: I use Aspartame