Hi Angel:
The EPA's oral calculations are theoretical calculations using a
conversion equation, based on known toxicity thresholds taken from a
number of different studies, all of which were conducted with high PPM
compounds delivered via intraveneous injection or intramuscular injection.
These numbers are accurate based on the nature of their data. You can,
indeed, develop argyria with these dosage levels. As little as one or
two little bottles of silver citrate or silver nitrate have caused
several cases of argyria or a significant silver build up in the body,
especially when these products have been used intranasally.
The EPA has noted that if the body is subjected to 5 micrograms per kg
per day of silver, then an individual falls into the risk category. In
this, they have done their job quite well.
However, EIS, electrically isolated silver, at a concentration of 0 to
about ( a safe ) 30 PPM, is completely different from an organic
molecule silver solution.
At one time, many years ago, I theorized that the body handles each of
these compounds completely differently. I didn't have much information
regarding this hypothesis, but intuitively understood that it was correct.
Studies by very well qualified homeopaths in France have demonstrated
that the body first becomes aware of the nature of a substance ingested
into the body the moment it 'touches' saliva. This effect can be
measured within seconds by studying the feet.
I now strongly believe that the human body can definately distinguish
between five classes of substances ingested:
Natural Organic molecules
Natural Inorganic molecules
a) inert, b) bioactive
Toxic or unrecognized organic molecules
Toxic or unrecognized inorganic molecules
Make no mistake that water, in its "best" state, is best described as a
colloid. When we're working with water in a pure state, the very subtle
zeta potenial causes the H2O molecules to organize in six sided
clusters, in essence, hexagonal formations. These are not stable
crystals, but rather, a tendency for natural formation based on quantum
probability theory in a semi-chaotic environment. While we can "freeze
time" to see these molecules, they are constantly dispersing and
reorganizing. Properly distilled water falls into this category.
With EIS, we're taking a very pure water, and adding ( ideally ) an
extremely small amount of minute, negatively charged particles, as well
as silver ions that ( again ideally ) are sharing electrons with hydrogen.
When we're done, we are drinking a water that is purer than Reverse
Osmosis Water, purer than stream water, purer than any substance accept
glacial water and rain water.
I recently received an email from an individual who began experiencing
strange health symptoms. He went to his doctor, and his doctor
suspected silver toxicity as the cause. The individual had hair
analysis done ( not by any means my favorite method of toxicity analysis
) and he was diagnosed with silver levels over 100X normal. He had used
less than one bottle of a high PPM silver compound product ( as directed
) intranasally.
Contrast this to a very bad sinus infection I had last year, where I
used nearly a gallon of EIS intranasally over a three day period to
flush the sinus cavities, with no ill effects whatsoever ( but with
very, very rapid relief from the infection ).
To try to come full circle here, it is the immune system itself which
makes an actual DECISION on how substances ingested are dealt with in
the body. If the immune system determines that a substance ingested is
toxic, then a systemic toxic response occurs. This system is alot more
complex than MD's and medical scientists currently realize, and is only
now starting to be studied by genetic scientists.
The more the immune system is compromised, the more often a toxic
response is seen. Therefore, as the body breaks down, it is less
capable of handling waste products, and soon all kinds of "allergic
responses" occur to any number of substances, including electromagnetic
energy, foods that at one time were fine for the body, etc.
Sometimes we ingest substances that confuse the system. These are
unknown substances, organic or inorganic molecules that the body must
"learn" how to cope with. A good example is inorganic calcium
formulations. Many of these formulations are used to try to "recalcify"
the body. As Raymond Dextreit pointed out in his manual "Earth Cures",
the body recognizes the calcium content, but cannot correctly utilize
the calcium; therefore, eventually, it causes unnatural deposits of
calcium upon the bones resulting in the exact opposite of the intended
effect: weakening of the bones ( a change in bone density ).
Silver Nitrate, Silver Citrate, and other organic silver solutions are
definately foreign substances in the body that will likely enduce a
toxic response in the body, when considering high PPM formulations. We
cannot look at these products and claim that they are water with a bit
of oligodynamic silver. We cannot look at these products and state that
they have colloidal properties.
Some bodies have highly effective metabolisms and immune systems that
have learned good habits. Some bodies have very compromised immune
function. Toxic response will always differ by individual. Consider
for a moment that the body's toxic response is identical to the body's
STRESS response. Each individual has an individualized stress response
system. Adrenaline junkies can jump off of a cliff with a rope attached
to their bodies and experience bliss; individuals with stress disorders
would have to be hospitalized for six months if they jumped off a cliff
with a rope attached to them.
We are complex beings, with complex bodies.
Full allergic reaction to silver, even EIS, is not unheard of, though it
is extremely rare with EIS. Those who have an actual apparent allergic
reaction to silver know about it in very short order; usually within a
few short hours of ingestion.... and, before any permanent effects on
the body occur.
I have been able to introduce a general toxic response to EIS. Many of
"us" have attempted to enduce it with oral use only, without success.
You CAN saturate the body with EIS according to the general principles
of natural medicine. To do so, one takes copious amounts of low PPM EIS
orally ( a gallon+ a day ), as well as using an ultrasonic nebulizer to
introduce CS into the bloodstream via the lungs. One uses the nebulizer
occassionally all day long, every day, until one develops a rash. At
this point, one may notice other effects that are consistant with silver
toxicity, including irritability, and sensitivies with the central
nervous system.
Now, if this silver was building up in the system, these effects would
not leave. However, upon cessation, within 24-27 hours, everything
returns to normal. The body quickly eliminates the silver from the
system. Not so with the silver compound users, who have headaches,
irritability, and various sensitivies for weeks, even months, from
ingesting even as little as a few ounces of their chosen product.
A toxic response in the body is going to cause the body to take
extraordinary measures to protect itself. The body will attempt to
protect the primary metabolism, including the liver and other vital
organs. Therefore, to the extent that it is capable, the lymphatic
system will be activated. The body will attempt to eject the substance
without normal ingestion. To the extent possible, it will eject the
substance as is, combine it with other organic molecules, and when
possible eject it through the skin, or deposit it in tissues.
It's obvious that silver nitrate causes an instant toxic response. It's
likely that silver citrate does as well.
It seems that the body, under normal circumstances, deals with EIS
exactly as it would water.
Kind Regards,
angel nest wrote:
* frank? anybody? *
* *
* nobody seemed to react to these statements posted here. excpet me,
that is ! *
* *
* did you all miss it or are you just tired of dealing with it? *
* *
* i'm very concerned by it because the quantities identified by the
epa (not that i hold them in higher esteem than the skunk in my yard
!) and my daily consumption converted from 20ppms/8oz to mg are like
1500% different ! *
* *
* hard for me to imagine that the epa could really be that much off ! *
* *
* and i'm thinking that maybe the conversion equasion was wrong. *
* *
* could somebody help please? *
* *
* below is my original post.... *
* *
* thanks, *
* angel *
* *
* *
* *
----- Original Message -----
*From:* angel nest <mailto:angelzn...@hotmail.com>
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 03, 2005 7:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: silver toxicity / Frank again
* But Frank... I think I might be in trouble.... *
* *
* What about this statement in one of Michael's emails... *
* >>> *The US-EPA publishes an oral reference dose (RfD) that
is based on a threshold for certain toxic effects such
as cellular necrosis. In units of micrograms per kg
per day and is an estimate of the maximum amount of
daily silver exposure that is not associated with any
deleterious effects over a lifetime. Current RfD for
oral silver exposure is 5 micrograms per kg per day.
An average (european) 70 kg man: = 350 µg/day>>>
* That means that my 4.8mg-4800mcg daily is about 1500% more than the
safe daily dose !! I'm about 50kg ~105lbs, so I should only be
consuming 250mcg, right ??? *
* *
* Or am I missing something ??? *
* *
* Thanks again, *
* Angel *
* *
*From:* FRANK CUNS-RIAL <mailto:f...@atlanticbb.net>
To convert part per million (by weight) into miligrams in 8 oz. do
the following:
One fluid oz.of CS equals about 30 grams.
8 oz. of CS is therefore 240 grams in which you have 20 ppm.
The grams of silver contained in your 8 oz,
20x240/1000000=0.0048 gr or 4.8 miligrams.
This asumes that the specific gravity of a ppm CS dispersion is 1.00.
Hope it hels
Frank Cuns-Ria
* *
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