----- Original Message ----- From: "IAHF.COM" <j...@iahf.com> To: <p...@zoomnet.net> Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:23 PM Subject: CRN CALLED PATHOLOGICAL LIARS RE CODEX OUTCOME- WHAT THEY'RE NOT TELLING US & WHAT WE MUST DO
> IAHF Webmaster: Codex Emergency, Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do > > IAHF List: > > A Mannatech distributor just sent me the following outrageous press release from the Council for Responsible Nutrition which Mannatech is a member of despite this being a total conflict of interest. > (Mannatech's membership includes Monsanto, Wyeth, Pfizer, Bayer, BASF, Cargill and numerous other huge pharma interests.) > > John Hathcock and Mark LeDoux at CRN are pathological liars from HELL. > > CRN's LATEST MISLEADING PRESS RELEASE ON CODEX & IAHF's RESPONSE > > Here is their latest grossly misleading press release in the aftermath of the July 4th Codex meeting and IAHF's analysis of it, along with instructions on what we must do to defend health freedom which CRN is hell bent on DESTROYING: > > Council for Responsible Nutrition Press Release > Contact: Judy Blatman at 202-204-7962 > > CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION ADOPTS > VITAMIN AND MINERAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT GUIDELINE > > -Consumers, Manufacturers Will Benefit- > > ROME, July 5, 2005 - The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) yesterday declared vitamin independence worldwide from arbitrarily-set standards for supplement upper levels by approving and adopting the Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplement Guideline during the meeting of the CAC in Rome. > > The result of a multi-year effort led in part by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), one of the leading trade associations for the dietary supplement industry, adoption of the guideline means the acceptance of science as a rational approach, the freedom of trade for the industry, and the increased freedom of choice for the public. > > The guideline specifies that maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in supplement products in international trade are to be set on the basis of safety evaluation through risk assessment, and not on the basis of recommended dietary allowances (RDA). The population reference intakes (PRI) and RDAs are based on nutritional need, and are not scientifically valid for assessing safety and setting maximums. > > CRN's analysis is that the guideline should improve the international market for U.S.-made products, and contrary to the notions of some alarmists, the guideline cannot override DSHEA for U.S. domestic policy. > > CRN's Chair of the International Trade and Market Development Committee, Mark LeDoux, noted, "What we now have is a pathway to expand global access for consumers of dietary supplements that is predicated on science. Our next steps will be to secure upper level guidelines that will assure safe and adequate outcomes for consumers and that are determined in an open and transparent process." > ---------------------EXPOSE OF THE _LIES_ CONTAINED IN THIS EVIL PRESS RELEASE: > > CRN would have us believe that the "risk assessment" being done by the World Health Organization and CODEX is "scientific" and an "improvement" on RDAs. > > What CRN is NOT TELLING YOU is that the so called "Safe Upper Levels" generated by the US National Academy of Sciences aren't the END POINT for this risk assessment, they're only a BEGINNING POINT. > > American manufacturers easily buy in to what they want to hear, and its not hard for them to buy into the LIE thats being foisted off on them because the National Academy of Sciences "SUL"s aren't much different from what American companies are currently allowed to sell as far as vitamin potencies go. > > SO..... WHAT _ISN'T_ CRN TELLING US? > > What CRN isn't telling us is that the fine print at Codex calls for these "SUL"s to be further watered down by subtracting JUNK SCIENCE derived so called "Nutrient Risk Factors" and additional JUNK SCIENCE DERIVED numbers extrapolated from a mythical "Average Diet" that doesn't exist in real life. > > What they're not telling you is that ONLY the German Federal Institute of Risk Assessment ("BfR" in German) has done the full MATH required by Codex or that this entity is chaired by Dr.Rolf Grossklaus, the German Chair of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (the person in charge of "FILLING IN THE BLANKS" on allowable potencies for vitamins and minerals this coming November when CCNFSDU meets next in Bonn, Germany (!!!) > > Check it out: Grossklaus's "Maximum Safe Permitted Levels" are even LOWER than RDAs in many cases: http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_Docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_145.doc > > The Alliance for Natural Health generated a White Paper which they submitted to the World Health Organization which totally exposes the gross LACK OF SCIENCE in what the WHO's "Nutrient Risk Assessment Project", pointing out that WHO is only looking at the presumed "risks" posed by dietary supplements, and they're NOT looking at BENEFITS at ALL (!!!) > > This White Paper has been signed off on by a slew of orthomolecular MDs and preimminent industry nutritionists including Jeff Bland, PhD and many others. You can read it for yourself at > http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_Docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_121.pdf > > Moreover, ANH has commissioned the Dutch based HAN Foundation to do a PROPERLY SCIENTIFIC risk assessment of dietary supplements in a study projected to take 8-9 months since its obvious that what the World Health Organization is doing under the dubious "leadership" of FDA employee Christine Lewis Taylor is not the least bit scientific or HONEST. > > See ANH's press release about the study they commissioned the HAN Foundation to do here: > http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm?action=news&ID=174 > > How is it that John Hathcock at CRN feels so comfortable LYING about all of this? > Simple: He used to work DIRECTLY ALONGSIDE Christine Taylor and Beth Yetley when he used to work at FDA before moving over to the Pharma Dominated CRN. > > As for his and LeDoux's LIES that Codex poses "no threat" to DSHEA, that is absolute GARBAGE: > > Watch Kevin Miller's documentary film on this issue "We Become Silent" at http://www.welltv.com > Give it 5 minutes to load even if you have a broadband connection. > > Hathcock is trying to PRETEND that Globalization isn't happening, but he KNOWS what the truth is. > > I called him up a couple of months ago and he is PRETENDING that globalisation isn't happening in the form of CAFTA or the FTAA, but he knows it is. > > For insight into his thinking, read Suzanne Harris's article: "Who Says Whatever Happens at Codex Does Not Affect US Law and Why Do They Say It"http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm > > The National Health Federation, The Coalition For Health Freedom, International Advocates for Health Freedom, The National Health Freedom Coalition, and the Alliance for Natural Health have no reason to mislead anyone, and we've been crawling over broken glass to bring out the TRUTH on this issue. > > The TRUTH is that the USA is being set up for harmonization to Codex standards via CAFTA, the FTAA and the WTO. Harmonization is proceeding in our hemisphere in the same way that it has been in the EU for many years. > > WE MUST NOT ALLOW CAFTA AND CODEX TO OVERRIDE DSHEA > > The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) Treaty will require the U.S., a member of the World Trade Organization, to revise our food laws and regulations based on Codex decisions. CAFTA would force harmonization of our dietary supplements and regulations to international standards, overriding the DSHEA Act of 1994. > > > The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the even-broader Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) are both modelled after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). These agreements are typical bureaucratic monstrosities of "managed" trade that masquerade as free trade and would expand NAFTA to include first Central America and then the rest of the Americas in an economic "union." True free trade would take a few pages of written text to enact ("eliminate these barriers to trade and these tariffs," etc.); all three of these agreements encompass thousands of pages of bureaucratic textual garbage sprinkled liberally with rules, regulations, and special-interest benefits. > > > Buried in the language of CAFTA is Section 6 that would require of all its members that they form a Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) committee for the purpose of insuring ongoing harmonization under the terms of the SPS Agreement in the World Trade Organization (WTO). You can find that text at the following website: > > > http://www.ustr.gov/Trade_Agreements/Bilateral/CAFTA/CAFTA-DR_Final_Texts/Section_Index.html. > > > > If you then look at Article 3 of the WTO's SPS Agreement, you will read the following words: "To harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as wide a basis as possible, Members shall base their food safety measures on international standards, guidelines or recommendations." (emphasis added) And as you all know by now, Codex sets the international standards for food safety including vitamins & minerals. > > > So, CAFTA, which is set for a vote in the House of Representatives any time after they reconvene July 11th, 2005, is another critical link by which health-freedom haters hope to bypass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and obligate the United States and Canada by treaty to harmonize to the harshly restrictive Codex vitamin-and-mineral standards. They cannot be allowed to succeed, and we at the NHF completely oppose these two treaties that would put a knife in the back of our health freedoms. > > > > ********************* > > > > ~CAFTA has already passed the Senate in a 54 to 45 vote on July 1st, 2005. > ~Legislators have just recessed for one week, reconvening July 11, 2005. > ~IMPORTANT- For House consideration, when they return, the Senate Bill 1307 (click here http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c109:3:./temp/~c109OjRqbt:: to view bill), ratifying CAFTA, can be voted on without going to committee. It is on the House calendar and may be brought up at any time. > > > > ********************* > > > > CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES. URGE THEM TO VOTE AGAINST CAFTA NOW. > > > YOUR LETTERS WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. THE VOTING IN THE HOUSE WILL BE CLOSE. WE MIGHT ONLY HAVE ONE WEEK TO FLOOD THEIR OFFICES WITH CAFTA OPPOSITION LETTERS. > > > PLEASE JOIN IN THIS EFFORT AND CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES. > > > > Contact any member of the House of Representatives via http://www.house.gov/writerep/ > > > LETTER TO USE: > > > Dear Congressman______________________ > > > In 1994 vitamin consumers generated the largest volume of mail to Congress on any issue in the HISTORY of Congress when we passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. > > > Today, CAFTA threatens to undo all of our hard work, and to set the USA up for harmonization to an excessively restrictive global trade guideline for vitamins and minerals just finalized on July 4th 2005 at the 28 General Session of the UN's Codex Alimentarius Commission. > > > The seeds of our health freedom destruction are sewn inside Section 6 of CAFTA where members are forced to form a Sanitary-Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Committee for the purpose of insuring ONGOING HARMONIZATION of our laws under the terms of the SPS Agreement in the WTO Trade Agreement. (See http://www.ustr.gov/Trade_Agreements/Bilateral/CAFTA/CAFTA-DR_Final_Texts/Section_Index.html > > > If you examine Article 3 of the WTO's SPS Agreement you will read the following words: "To harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as wide a basis as possible, members SHALL base their food safety measures on international standards, guidelines or recommendations." > > > (Codex sets the international standard for food safety, and they intend to fill in the blanks on allowed potencies at levels even LOWER than RDAs- see http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_145.doc > > > Vitamin consumers drove many congressmen out of office who failed to vote for DSHEA in '94. > Any member of Congress who fails to heed our concerns about CAFTA and votes for this unconstitutional trade agreement anyway, despite how it sets us up for harmonization to Codex, and despite its continuing the failed policies of NAFTA which gave us our present $617 Billion trade deficit risks being driven from office. IAHF will be posting a list of any member of Congress who ignores our concerns. We urge you to watch Kevin Miller's excellent documentary on this issue at http://www.welltv.com > > > Signed____________________ > Address____________________________ > > > > For Health Freedom, > John C. Hammell, President > International Advocates for Health Freedom > 556 Boundary Bay Road > Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA > http://www.iahf.com > j...@iahf.com > 800-333-2553 N.America > 360-945-0352 World > > _____________________________ > Unsubscribe: http://www.ymlp.com/u.php?jham+p...@zoomnet.net > Hosting by http://www.yourmailinglistprovider.com > > > -- > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. > Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.9/39 - Release Date: 7/4/05 > -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. 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