Just out of curiosity, isn't it good for our children and us to get sick
and manage everyday  stuff like colds and flus on our own sometimes? 

Would always using CS, Echinacea/herbs, ozone therapy, urine therapy
etc. act as a crutch so that the body always needs "help" to fight an
infection thereby not making it as resistant/strong when exposed?

I guess what I am saying is if I get a cold and take a bunch of CS and
it nips a bug in the butt, doesn't that mean my body missed out on
tackling that all by itself and thereby missing out on a 'dump' of
toxins via bodily excretions or the body's own fever?

My friends children are true country kids and play outside amongst their
livestock etc., I shuddered when they picked up my dogs bones and were
throwing them for the dogs when they were here- however, that being said
they are rarely sick......  another friend has a small child in a
pristine environment, doesn't want her in sand/dirt and carries wipes
all the time, antibacterial soap etc.... they have been sick lots.

Just musing....



Let me put it this way I am never without 
my C.S. even when travelling !!!!!   Especially when I am travelling
I use it in my eyes, nose plus the swig !!!!!   In my book dirt is the
breeding ground of all bugs regardless of what type they may be !!!!
Man made antibiotics only hit certain ones, C.S. has a far wider 
range because of the way in which it works !!!!!!    Most important
of which is that it does no harm while it works it's magic !!!!!

"The one who accomplished it is the one
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