Wendy said: Just out of curiosity, isn't it good for our children and us to get 
and manage everyday  stuff like colds and flus on our own sometimes? 
Would always using CS, Echinacea/herbs, ozone therapy, urine therapy
etc. act as a crutch so that the body always needs "help" to fight an
infection thereby not making it as resistant/strong when exposed?

I guess what I am saying is if I get a cold and take a bunch of CS and
it nips a bug in the butt, doesn't that mean my body missed out on
tackling that all by itself and thereby missing out on a 'dump' of
toxins via bodily excretions or the body's own fever?

Rowena muses in her turn: In this particular case, having learned that 
nanobacteria would appear to be turning us to stone via the calcification 
process, one might not be worrying too much about colds and flu.  

These tiny nasties are so clever or small or well disguised they have evaded 
detection until now.  (Did you read the article? Click here: NEXUS: 
Nanobacteria, Calcification & Heart Disease )  Will CS or coconut oil or iodine 
or calendula or whatever actually rid the body of them?  I hope so, but I don't 
know so.  Will my body destroy the nanobacteria without intervention if it is 
not too overloaded fighting tetanus and coccidiosis and borellia and whatever?  
Maybe,  I hope so.  

The article seems to be saying a mix of elderly antibiotics will get rid of 
them, but I prefer not to use antibiotics, even if they are old, low-profit 
ones.  Maybe Rife or other electromedicine can zap them.  If these things are 
responsible for the pains I am experiencing now, apparently caused by the 
calcification that has been happening since I was a sweet young thing, Colds 
and Flu can go hang.  I much prefer to do without them, anyway.  Perhaps the 
people who "don't get the flu" etc. do get it, but overcome it, and the ones 
who "get it" are the ones whose bodies are overwhelmed because of factors X, Y 
and Z and can't deal with it without the symptoms.

In the instance of the farm dweller who moved to the city - who is to say what 
the major factors in lowered health were?  Different diet?  Different air?  
Sick building, increased chemical exposure, exhaust fumes, crowded public 
places, different and increased germ exposure, stress, culture shock, etc. 

I think the true horror of nipping bugs in the bud before they do their thing 
is when symptoms are masked by pharmaceuticals and the germ stored in the body 
for another time, rather than, as you say, the fever cooking them to death or 
whatever.  I am certainly against getting rid of the illnesses quickly and 
unnaturally by interference with the body's processes.  Homeopathic medicine, 
for instance, as I understand it, supports the body processes and allows the 
body to get rid of invaders its own way, with the natural and complete process. 
 If I can avoid that illness, though, or have it happen in my body without my 
being aware of it because there is not a great battle with millions of 
casualties, I'm enough of a wimp at my age to prefer it that way.  And if 
there's a way to zap the nanos and dissolve the calcium phosphates, yes please, 
let me get my shoes on!

Dreaming of a pain-free life