Hi! I received a bottle of homemade CS from my daughter awhile back, used it by the teaspoonful up to a tablespoon per meal for a little over a month. I always start new things in small amounts.  My digestive tract seems to be extremely sensitive.  I am noticing now, that several of my front teeth have sort of vertical black streaks on the which I never noticed before.  I spend quite a little time morning and evening on care of my teeth and gums.  However don't look in the mirror with teeth in mind with any regularity.  I am suspecting that the black streaks may have come as a result of ingestion of CS, but can't prove that.  Any thoughts on this? Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

>From: Terry Chamberlin <tcj...@yahoo.ca>
>Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: CS>
>Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 10:11:47 -0400 (EDT)
>This is the first of two halves of my post, as it is
>too big for one post. The second is following
>The trouble with discussing inhaling silver
>"particles" is that that very word conjures a picture
>of chunks of metal becoming clogged in the lungs. The
>scientific definition of "colloidal" is particles of
>something too big to pass through the lining of a cell
>wall (among other factors). We attempt to
>differentiate between silver particles that are
>colloidal and particles that are small enough to
>easily pass through cell walls. We call these smaller
>particles "ionic", even though the use of the word in
>that way is not scientifically accurate. In truth,
>some colloidal particles are small enough to pass
>through glass, and some ionic particles are huge
>(mayonnaise could be considered ionic).
>I cannot find terms in the scientific vocabulary to
>help distinguish between these two, yet it is
>important that we do. The discussion of silver
>accumulating in various organs of the body must, by
>definition, be concerned with COLLOIDAL particles,
>i.e., particles too big to pass through a cell wall.
>Particles of silver that are 1/7,000th to 1/15,000th
>the size of a red blood cell (what we are calling
>"ionic") would behave in totally different ways than
>"colloidal" particles of silver, precisely because of
>the size difference.
>I posted a discussion of this awhile ago, but there
>was a lively discussion of something else going on
>(magnets, I think), and I saw no response to my post.
>Let me try again. Here is my prior post:
>A major part of the confusion about the topic of
>silver toxicity comes from not differentiating between
>one form of silver and another or one method of
>preparation and another. It reminds me of the study (a
>spoof) in which a group of men were first given whisky
>and water, then gin and water and then vodka and
>water. In every case the men got drunk, which led the
>scientists to conclude that water made you drunk.
>Unless clear distinction is made between
>ionic/colloidal silver (EIS/CS) and all other forms of
>silver preparations, we are talking apples and
>oranges. The reason why CS is safe is for several
>reasons. One, the quantity of actual silver ingested
>is so very low, especially compared to the amounts
>mentioned in the scientific reports of the occurrence
>of argyria.
>Second, if made correctly, the particle size is so
>very small that it simply does not accumulate in the
>body like the large-particle silver salts and
>Third, there is no consideration given by the
>scientific community to differing
>accumulation/excretion rates of different forms of
>silver. The primary mechanism that has been at all
>acknowledged as causing silver to accumulate in the
>human body is the fact that large silver particles
>(compounds, salts, proteins, even large colloids) can
>accumulate in, as an example, the skin, because these
>particles get caught/lodged in the capillaries of the
>skin, being too large to pass through. It is a
>recognized fact that silver joined to other substances
>(proteins, minerals, etc.) produce very large
>particles. On the other hand, *ionic-colloidal* (EIS)
>silver particles range in size from 1/7,000th to
>1/15,000th the size of a red blood cell, making the
>idea of them getting “stuck” in the capillaries rather
>Fourth, the issue of accumulation/excretion. Does
>any/every form of silver (protein, salt, colloid,
>ionic) accumulate in the human body at the same rate?
>Or even at all? Roger Altman’s medically supervised
>study demonstrated that clear, very tiny particle size
>CS did not accumulate in the human body whatsoever,
>even when ingested in voluminous quantities (quarts
>per day). This is not at all true of silver nitrate,
>sulfadiazine or silver arsphemamine.
>All of the studies appear to operate on the assumption
>that all forms of silver accumulate in the body,
>whatever the form, whatever the particle size or
>however fast/slow the ingestion. But this must be
>taken into consideration, else estimates of quantities
>leading to argyria are meaningless. If I ingest one
>gram of silver (Which silver? What form?) over a
>period of one week or one year, does that make a
>difference? Altman’s study demonstrates clearly that
>it does, at least concerning colloidal silver. Yet
>even the toxicology statistics discuss the methods of
>silver excretion (recognizing that the body does make
>an effort to dispose of extra or unnecessary silver).
>If the body does indeed excrete silver, wouldn’t this
>affect accumulation rates? Obviously, if I ingest one
>gram of silver over a thirty-year period or if I do it
>in one day, that would be very significant. Yet none
>of the studies or statistics seem to comment much on
>that important dynamic. Historically, we know that
>members of Europe’s royalty mechanically ground up
>silver into powder, stirred it into water or wine and
>drank it to protect themselves from sickness. How much
>larger would the smallest ground-up particles be than
>the largest particles found in electronically isolated
>colloidal silver? A thousand times bigger? 10,000
>times? A million times? Some colloidal particles are
>so small they can pass through glass. Argyria was such
>a common occurrence among the royalty that it earned
>them the name "blue-blood".
>When CS is prepared in improper ways, the particles
>become very large and the amount of silver in the
>preparation increases significantly.
>Even the reports that identify “colloidal silver” as
>the culprit do not examine the brewing process or the
>components of the preparation. Did they use tap water?
>Was it Fine silver or Sterling silver? How long was it
>brewed? What color was the CS? (In other words, what
>size were the particles?) In these cases, the term
>"colloidal" is scientifically accurate (using the
>standard scientific definition), but wholly inadequate
>for making any distinction between large or small
>sized silver particles.
>Stan Jones acquired a faint bluish tinge under his
>eyes, but he made 8 ounces of CS using city tap water
>and brewed it for one hour. His CS would have looked
>like coffee, and he drank the whole 8 ounces each day!
>This was not Colloidal Silver, much less ionic silver
>(as we are defining them). It was a sludge of silver
>compounds created by the interaction of the silver
>with the chemicals/minerals in the water.
>The scientific references to cases of argyria caused
>by “colloidal silver” do not impress me, given the way
>most scientists fail to differentiate between various
>forms of silver solutions/treatments, nor to even
>consider the principles of particle size or silver
>“Intravenous administration of an estimated total dose
>of 4-20 g silver arsphemamine over a 2- to 9.75-year
>period caused argyria in humans. Argyria developed
>after a total dose of 4-8 g in some patients, while in
>others argyria did not develop until after a total
>dose of 10-20 g (Gaul and Straud, 1935).”
>The above is quoted from a gov’t website, and they
>start at 4 grams or more.
>“Argyria, a characteristic and irreversible gray or
>blue-gray discoloration of the skin and mucous
>membranes, has been observed in individuals that have
>ingested both metallic silver and silver compounds in
>small doses over periods of months or years. Argyria,
>both generalized or localized, has resulted from such
>uses as antismoking lozenges containing silver
>acetate, breath mints coated with silver, silver
>nitrate solutions for the treatment of gum disease,
>and silver nitrate capsules for relief of
>gastrointestinal discomfort (ATSDR, 1990; Stokinger,
>No colloidal silver (EIS) here. The generalization of
>"small doses" (whatever that means) and "months or
>years" makes the above statement useless. The only
>value in this statement is to identify silver nitrate
>or acetate as something to avoid.
>“The estimated total dose required to induce argyria
>by ingestion is in the range of 1-30 g for soluble
>silver salts (Nordberg and Gerhardsson, 1988).”
>OK, now we’re down to "merely" 1 gram. The article
>only mentions soluble silver salts, not colloids.
>“The estimated total dose…” Over what period? In your
>whole life? All at once? This statement is
>meaningless. It can only have any meaning if
>absolutely none of the silver is excreted from the
>body, an idea these same scientists have refuted by
>discussing the various avenues that silver actually is
>Now, in fact, this study did say that “an estimated
>total dose of 4-20 g silver arsphemamine over a 2- to
>9.75-year period caused argyria in humans.” One
>comment someone made was that “as little as 1 gram
>cumulative dose caused a case of argyria” but seemed
>to conclude that something closer to 1.84 grams
>cumulative dose (the amount of silver in 8 grams of
>silver arsphenamine) was likely to cause argyria.
>That’s cumulative,­ not per day!! The person who said
>this, like the above quoted scientists, makes no
>differentiation between one form of silver and
>another, small or large particle size, or considers
>the probability of differing accumulation/excretion
>rates between one form and another.
>I refer to Altman’s study because, to my knowledge, no
>other study of accumulation/excretion rates in humans
>has even been performed by anyone else. Rats, mice,
>dogs and monkeys they know about, but they have little
>comment about humans. All the animals excrete at least
>90% of the silver, 94% if orally ingested.
>One critic also said, “Furthermore, the EPA gave LOW
>CONFIDENCE to its reference dose, because it simply
>didn’t have enough studies. I think if you’re telling
>people what’s established as safe, you ought to point
>out that even your own source is skeptical of its own
>work!” “Our own source” is not the EPA or any other
>gov’t agency, because they do not examine nor test nor
>even consider true colloidal/EIS silver. Notice this
>“ATSDR (1990) reports that the deposition of silver in
>tissues is the result of the precipitation of
>insoluble silver salts, such as silver chloride and
>silver phosphate.” OK, we know that ATSDR (1990) is
>discussing “insoluble silver salts”, so we know what
>they actually mean when they next say this, “The acute
>toxicity of silver compounds appears to be high. Oral
>LD50 values for mice reported for colloidal silver and
>silver nitrate are 100 mg/kg and 129 mg/kg,
>respectively..” When they say, “colloidal silver”,
>they are referring to large-particle silver salts and
>compounds, NOT tiny-particle silver colloids made from
>Fine silver and distilled water. Plus, 100 mg/kg is
>interesting. 100 mg of what? Silver? Silver nitrate?
>100 mg of silver is alot of silver, considering that
>our doses, even when freely drinking our CS, is
>usually measured in micrograms. Their refusal to
>differentiate between the two is both unscientific and
>irresponsible, and demonstrates a prejudice in the
>scientific community that would not be put up with
>about any other scientific inquiry.
>If we did want to refer to a gov’t agency as “our
>source”, we would refer to the FDA, who cannot find a
>single report of any kind of toxic or negative
>reaction to pure, electronically isolated CS.
>Second part following.
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