This is interesting news to me- skin tags caused by a viris.

Thanks, Rowena.


Rowena wrote:

iodine for the removal of a sebacous
cyst ... iodine to the skin over the cyst. let it briefly dry
then coat with the dmso gel.

.... what would be the
negatives to use this on a cyst on a dog's chest.  do dogs tolerate
iodine enough to use this modality

Might the dog's chest not be a bit close to the dog's lungs and get you into trouble with the listowner?

This is very useful information about the iodine and DMSO - I have liquid DMSO myself, so it shouldn't be a problem mixing it, though I might add CS to dilute a bit. Now all I need is a sebaceous cyst somewhere.

Some thirty years ago my husband and son came home with ringworm, which I suspect came from the swimming baths they were attending. I forget what we did for the boy, possibly painted it with iodine, but certainly with my husband, I painted it with iodine, neat. It seemed a shame to throw out the iodine-soaked cotton wool, so I taped it to the ringworm. The skin came away - neat little circle, as I recall. The Dr. reckoned that was the end of the ringworm, all right.

This might be useful for skin tags, might it not? That's caused by a virus, isn't it? Perhaps a drop of iodine, a drop of DMSO, a drop of coconut oil, and a drop of CS (or larger amounts) and paint on. The DMSO would carry the viricidal elements in and likely have an effect of its own on the problem.
