"The one who accomplished it is the one
 who failed to realize that he could not do it."

�Katrina and Your Health�

You may think you�re safe because you don�t live on any of the 90,000
square miles hit by Katrina. But you are not safe from this storm�yet!

As they did on 9/11, scenes of devastation and human suffering can take
their toll on your health. If you don�t believe me, simply take a photo
of this storm�s damage from any newspaper or magazine and muscle-test it.
Have someone test the strength of your outstretched arm as you resist.
Next, do the same while looking at pictures of the disaster. You�ll
notice that you�ve just become weaker. 

What happened? Your cells retracted into a protection mode. The strange
thing about this is that you cannot grow and prosper while worried about
survival. Remember, your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference
between a scene vividly imagined and the actual experience. 

Here�s what happens to your health. First, memory starts fading and you
begin losing your mind. This is because stress or simply viewing
stressful circumstances causes the release of cortisol, which reduces the
utilization of blood sugar in the brain�s memory center. The brain
suffers from the lack of fuel and thus has no way to chemically lay down
a memory or access old ones. Next, your brain cells are killed by excess
cortisol, because it causes massive amounts of calcium to enter them.
This triggers the production of free radicals that are linked to cancer,
heart disease, and many other life-threatening ailments. 

As you can see, a daily mental diet of bad news is dangerous to your
health. While I�m not suggesting you stick your head in the sand and
pretend life isn�t happening, I do suggest you spend more quiet time
doing Qi Gong, yoga, meditating, or simply taking long, carefree walks
with your dog. 

If research is correct that your mind uses 85% of your body�s energy,
wouldn�t you agree it would be wise to conserve? How do you think
reducing your mental gas-guzzling worries, fears, and apprehensions might
affect your health? You don�t have to be psychic to predict the onset of
a deadly disease with certainty�simply look at mental stress levels,
diet, and lifestyle. 

It is my ardent desire that you gift yourself enough time to smell the
roses, enough time to watch sunrises and sunsets with those you love,
enough time to marvel at the stars at night, enough time for candlelight
dinners, romance, and laughter. I hope you will take enough time to
provide this world with one improved, happy human unit. If everyone did
this, the whole world might find enough time to heal its wounds: then we
will all have enough time. -Peter Ragnar