Given the recent discussion and having been told not to take CS at the
same time as a probiotic.. How long before or after should one wait
before taking CS??  My 10 month old baby and I are catching a wee cold
at the moment. (my 4 yr old has been on a couple of ounces of CS a day
and hasn't shown any signs at all) I dragged my feet when I first felt
the itchy nose! I've hit myself with everything from lots of CS, oil of
oregano, GSE, high doses of vit c, and some homeopathics and I think I
might have caught it. It's sitting in my head at the moment but it's way
better then last night and the sore throat is gone. Yeah! But I've been
taking the CS very frequently throughout the day and I'm wondering when
to squeeze in the acidophilous for myself and the kids??