I have a friend who needed a dental bridge.  He was quoted $4,000 in the 
U.S., but also went to Tijuana and got it done (very nicely) for $700.  The 
was clean.  The dentist spoke English (albeit not perfectly), and had gone to 
a well-known dental school in southern California. Loma Linda, I believe).  
If one needs extensive work done, they refer you to a motel across the border, 
and send a car to pick you up from the hotel and return you afterwards, until 
the work is complete.  It is risky to take a car into Tijuana uninsured, and 
sometimes just difficult to find one's way around, without a knowledge of 

If anyone is interested, I can get the phone number of this dentist from my 
friend.  He checked out a number of these dentists in Tijuana from referrals; 
he actually went to each office for a visual inspection, and to talk with the 
dentist and personnel.

