Please do not be deparaging of others in this instance.  I have been
watching the threads of Cansema cancer healing here with some interest.  I
cured myself of cancer 2 years ago using the cream.  In my case, it was a
very painful process because the cancer cells were like fingers into my body
and the salve pulled the cells to the surface, but created quite a cavity in
doing so.  I DID NOT go for conventional medical care because I knew that
only cutting, burning and poisoning would be recommended along with being
SCARED TO DEATH by the so called Health Care Providers without solving the
health issue, would not serve my highest and greatest good.

However, shortly after I ordered and received my Cansema cream, my supplier
was INCARCERATED, accused of practicing medicine without a license.  This
man had only used the cream to cure himself and then sent it to others at
their request...just like what is happening on this list.  DO NOT think
governmental fear programs are not keeping an eye out for this sort of thing
  He was there for over 6 months, his web site was shut down, and the people
answering the phone were quite frightened.  Please respect others in their
attempts to help and heal each other, but lets keep ALL of us out of jail! 

Understand that the FEAR attached to the word CANCER is what can kill, not
the cancer itself.  Cancer is just undirected energy.  Give the cells
direction, as they are very intelligent, as part of the healing process, and
discover what the cancer is teaching you in the first place.   Laurie

Transform Your Life with the Blink of your Eyes
Laurie Solisz, RN
Healing Science Practitioner
Professional Rapid Eye Technician
Affecting world health one person at a time

Subject: Re: CS>CANSEMA Salve -- suppliers
Now there's a big help!
--- Raine <> wrote:
> I get it from a woman I know who makes it.
> -Raine
> >*******So where did y'all get your salve?     MA
> ><snip>
> >