Hi Laurie,
 Words spoken so well. I'm a person  the medical community would refer to as 
being 18 "years out" and  therefore, considered cured of Cancer.   And a nasty 
case it  was.....doctors and their prognosis alone would/could  have scared  me 
to death.  I often wondered if in medical school they were not  also given a 
course on masochism.
 Also, I tend to agree with  you.  Perhaps the type of information people are 
seeking regarding  providers/vendors/makers of this cream should be shared 
privately to  insure safety.    Then again, if it's benefits were not  shared, 
few would even know of its existence, myself included.  My  mother had 
malignant melanoma years ago and there is no guarantee it  will not return.  
So, I have been following this thread with great  interest but declined 
comment, until your post. 
  Perhaps, if the ingredients were shared, people could make it  themselves and 
take full responsibility without endangering someone  elses civil liberties. 
All parties would be protected, albeit a little  less off financially regarding 
  best regards,
  Carol Ann


  Understand  that the FEAR attached to the word CANCER is what can kill, not 
the  cancer itself.  Cancer is just undirected energy.  Give  the cells 
direction, as they are very intelligent, as part of the  healing process, and 
discover what the cancer is teaching you in the  first place.   Laurie
    Transform Your Life with the Blink of your Eyes
  Laurie Solisz, RN
  Healing Science Practitioner
  Professional Rapid Eye Technician
  Affecting world health one person at a time

  Subject: Re: CS>CANSEMA Salve -- suppliers
  Now there's a big help!
  --- Raine <rainelov...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
  > I get it from a woman I know who makes it.
  > -Raine
  > >*******So where did y'all get your salve?     MA
  > ><snip>
  > >

Best regards,
Never Accept Only Two Choices in Life.
The problems of Today cannot be solved by the same thinking that created them.
-Al Einstein. 

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