Dear Frank,
  Sorry, but I don`t think CS can cure cancer. It sure is good at stopping
and flu, and other bacterial infections, though. (Worked for me against Lyme
I make my own and take 1/3 cup daily  as a preventive or up
to a full cup if I feel something coming on.
A teaspoonful of storebought stuff won`t do much, IMHO.
PS, I hope this helps:
my son Cody died at 15 and was allowed choose to stay there or to come back.
He came back.
He is now 28, married and father of two.
He says words can`t begin to describe how beautiful it is "up there". Death
is not a thing to fear, it is merely a doorway back Home from whence we all

> ok, i got some CS. 10ppm silver hydrosol, label says 6
> droppers(1 teaspoon) daily for 154lb adult, he has
> cancer and cannot even speak sometimes, clerk at the
> store said i should double the dose for a while... yes
> or no?
> --- Frank West <> wrote:
> > Hello. My father has cancer and it is taking my mom
> > and I both to take care of him as he cannot get out
> > of
> > bed.  I am looking for an immediate cure. I just
> > joined and I'm in Dallas. I know health stores carry
> > this but I have not looked into the cost yet. Anyim
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