You know that is what is the matter with alot of the people who reach your age 
Bob, and we all are heading they don't continue to do things, and 
challenge themselves they move into assisted living and it's over....

4optimallife <> wrote:          Thanks for sharing Bob.  
You are a great role model to those of us who are not far behind.  To be 84 and 
still doing what you are doing and having an interest in the world is wonderful.
  Hope I am half as bright and helpful as you when I am 84.
  Kallie Miller
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Berger 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:30 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>My Book

  Hi Pat,
  I am approaching 84 in May ! So I do not do very much anymore. Once in a 
while someone will ask for some EIS.
  As a retired Electrical Engineer Iwas facinated with the process  back in 
1997 and have spent thousands of hours and dolloars investigating it.
  You might say that this book is "My Swan Song."
  "Ole Bob"

Pat <> wrote:
    Your book is all about CS?  Do you make CS to sell or otherwise use it in 
your work?  It would be nice to have a book I could hand people since some of 
my friends won't look things up on the internet.