deoderant for one...

Marshall Dudley <> wrote:  Everywhere, aluminum is like 
the 3rd most common element or so in the earth's


Jim Holmes wrote:

> Where does the metallic aluminum found in the brain in Alzheimer's brains
> originate?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sol []
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Stainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update
> Not everyone agrees that aluminum is toxic. I bought into that idea for
> many years, but now I've gone back to the old Adelle Davis idea that it
> is stainless steel that can be toxic, if it has ever had to be scoured.
> Anodized aluminum is what I have now, but if I could have found them,
> I'd have plain aluminum. Adelle Davis always said aluminum just pases
> right on through the body.
> There is some interesting info linking some of this stuff to fertilizer use.
> And some mineral imbalances may even be responsible for mad cow:
> After years of living with allergic skin reactions, I have simply
> decided for me, I'd rather do something that may or may not be risky
> (aluminum cookware) than continue on in constant skin rashes and
> constant heavy antihistamine use, and even having to use cortisone
> ointments, etc.
> In the case of distilling, I just don't know. Wouldn't any metals
> distill out and be left behind? As I see it distilling is a whole other
> thing than metals leaching into foods/liquids heated/cooked in SS cookware.
> sol
> Jim Holmes wrote:
> >Stainless steel comes in a variety of grades.
> >
> >Will water from a stainless still that reads about 0.4 PPM TDS have a
> >significant amount of nickel or iron in it?
> >
> >Jim
> >
> >
> >
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