Hudla Clark is not the only one who suggests all this. Many others do too.

Apart from my one root filling, and my dogs, I have done all these
things and my health has benefited greatly. I cannot go into a
furniture store, or fabric shop without becoming very ill indeed.

They are not that extreme. Our grandparents didn't have all this stuff
that we have and mine were definitely healthier than I used to be
before I gave up the luxuries of modern living.

I make a few exceptions. My computer being one. But its titanium and
not plastic. The phone is plastic, the old ones which were not don't
work with the modern lines!

Ah, they write books on this topic. Many on natural living, natural
house design, sick building syndrome, etc. I know Hudla Clark sounds a
bit way out but many of the things she suggests have been written
about by others for quite a long time. Including respectable straight

Basically on root canals, I wouldn't remove one unless blood tests
indicated severe infection but I would not have one in the first
place. I have had several teeth removed rather than have new root
canal work.

My father was a dentist and always advised never to have root canals
in upper jaw teeth as infection there can cause serious health
problems. Bottom jaw OK, top jaw not.


On 4/5/06, <> wrote:
> I agree with you in that we don't need to have our root canal teeth removed.
>  Hulda Clark says we should do just that, and not replace them with anything
> since bridges have metal in them.
> One way I think would work to achieve health and keep the root canals at the
> same time is to desensitize the person to the root canals or the offending
> substances in them and emanating from them (treating these as allergens).
> For instance, one person who was having problems stemming from mercury
> fillings opted to desensitize to mercury amalgam fillings (the problems
> ceased), without the thousands of dollars it would have cost to remove all
> the metal fillings and replace them with plastic composite.  This can be
> done with NAET, or EFT.
> I would love to know of alternatives to extreme measures suggested by Hulda
> Clark in her book, A Cure for all Diseases.  She says to take all the metal
> fillings out of the mouth, have the root canal teeth pulled, give away your
> pets, live in a home without foam cushioning, or new carpets, don't wear
> clothes with chemically treated fabrics, or eat anything that has been
> processed, keep the refrigerator outside the home, don't use pesticides,
> laundry detergents, makeup, etc.  Her suggestions may go unheeded because
> they are so extreme.
> Other ideas?
> Jill

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