Dear Pat,

> Ok, I can believe that maybe root canals could have a
> pocket for germs or whatever.  But, I'm
> wondering...when you first have the 4 wisdom teeth
> extracted, and they're very careful about bacteria and
> clean will it be different if they open
> up those sites and do it all over again?

When conventional dentists pull teeth, they routinely leave behind the 
ligament that connects the tooth with the gums. The gum heals over, and 
a cap of bone forms over the cavity where the tooth was. What's left 
does not have good circulation and eventually tissues die, bacteria 
grow and turn anaerobic, and this toxic soup diffuses slowly into the 
lymphatic system and from there to the rest of the body.

Go in there, clean out the socket and grind away a millimeter or two of 
bone, and as it re-heals (if you're careful not to dislodge the blood 
clot in the first day or two) the bone fills in and there's no longer 
anyplace for anything to grow.

That's the theory, anyway. 

Some of the folks at the clinic I went through are already seeing 
improvements, so I'm optimistic that they're not making it *all* up out 
of whole cloth. <grin>

> Sure hope yours heal fast Mike, ...what a nightmare to
> go through.  Did they do that over a period of days? 

Healing from the dental work is coming along fine, one month out. Detox 
and long term improvement are a work in progress. Nothing exciting to 
report, but no serious complications either.

They did it all in one sitting for me, under "conscious sedation." Umm, 
I went to sleep and don't remember a thing! <grin>

Others had to have two sessions to get all the work in. Many were in 
the chair longer than the 3 1/2 hours that I was.

They do a lot of things to speed healing and minimize pain -- some kind 
of insulin injection near the surgical sites, magnets, a painkiller, 
massage and accupressure treatments... I'm surprised, actually, how 
well the discomfort was managed. We did pretty well, actually.

> They'd have to just put me to sleep and do it all.  I
> can't stand dental nerve pain.  Once I was trembling
> so bad when getting a filling done that they put my
> coat over me and waited a bit before they could do it.
>  I sure wouldn't voluntarily go through changing
> fillings.

Well, it's not something you do on a lark! I thought it over for a long 
while, believe me. I finally decided that if I'm going to fully regain 
my health and stamina I'm going to *have* to remove the burden of heavy 
metal poisoning and let my body heal itself. If I didn't, everything 
I'd ever try would be handicapped.

Enough other people I've talked to have seen their health improve after 
amalgam removal, that I had a pretty high level of confidence going in. 
We'll see how it goes over the next few months.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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